Needs more space dragons.

EVE Online launches the Tiamat update

The face of war is changing in EVE Online with the Tiamat update, and not just because of the introduction of a mysterious new faction known as the Drifters. Players will have to deal with a new Tech 3 destroyer capable of transforming into three modes with an eye toward projectile weapons, which comes along with a rebalancing and...

The Daily Grind: Do you see hate speech in your MMO?

The other day one of our readers, Joe F., pointed us at a conversation between Trion Worlds CEO Scott Hartsman and an ArcheAge customer who was banned. In the exchange, Hartsman said he reviewed the chat log that led to the ban, concluding, "In 2015, those two words aren't 'cussing.' One is hate speech, the other racism. We wish...

Not So Massively: Star Citizen offers rental gear, Diablo III player hits level 1000, and Dota 2’s Year Beast controversy

Welcome to Not So Massively, Massively Overpowered's weekly roundup of all the news from the world of MOBAs, lobby-based games, and other online multiplayer games that aren't quite MMOs. If this column looks familiar, that's probably because back on Massively we had a similar column called Not So Massively. With the site's rebirth, the column is back with a new...

SkySaga’s NA alpha test begins on February 19

You won't have long to wait at all to get a shot at playing SkySaga if you're in the US or Canada. The sandvox title is preparing to open its closed alpha test to North American players from Thursday, February 19th through February 26th. Thus far, SkySaga's alpha has been contained to Europe only. Interested players will need to...

Player creates EverQuest missions in Neverwinter’s foundry

MMO player and blogger Tipa (of West Karana) decided that she wanted to marry her long-running interest in EverQuest to her current online adventures in Neverwinter. Thus, she began what she called the "EverQuest in Neverwinter" campaign: a series of foundry quests that revolve around classic EQ lands and continue stories from that game. Last year she released a few EQ-themed...

Age of Wulin is bringing secrets and betrayals on March 10

The martial arts sandbox Age of Wulin is preparing to move into the next phase of its evolution with Chapter 4: Betrayal & Forgiveness. The newest update to the game will be arriving next month on March 10th. As the name implies, the update will add a new betrayal system that will allow players to hop to a faction, another...
Pictured: Love.

Final Fantasy XI previews its February version update

February's a short month, so it's easy to not expect much out of it. The team behind Final Fantasy XI is still bringing new content for the month just the same with the February Version Update planned for February 19th. Headlining the update is a new Alluvion Skirmish in the Yorcia Weald wherein players summon monsters to help assault...
Also, I really like a lot of the Iron Horde aesthetic, even if they've proven pretty ineffectual from a narrative standpoint.

This WoW boss fight is causing motion sickness

When you jump into a World of Warcraft raid, you're hoping to get some keen new armor, maybe a weapon or two, that sort of thing. You are not hoping to get a fresh case of unexpected motion sickness. Surprise! That might be exactly what you're getting when you jump into the Hans'gar and Franzok fight in Blackrock Foundry,...

Warhammer 40k: You’re a soldier, not the chosen one

If you are bone tired of the MMO trope where you (and millions of other players) are the chosen hero fated to rescue the entire world, then Warhammer 40,000: Eternal Crusade's ego-busting approach might be right up your alley. "Unlike traditional MMOs, we aren't treating you like the fated hero of the land -- you're a soldier here to do...

MOBAs dominate Raptr’s January rankings as WoW playtime falls

According to a Raptr press release posted today, MOBA League of Legends dominated the service's January rankings with just under 20% of total playtime share. World of Warcraft held onto second place with not quite 11% of total playtime share, but it "lost 5.28% of play time in January compared to December." DOTA 2, SMITE, and Hearthstone scored well; Diablo III,...