Star Citizen debuts Origin X1 racer concept ship for sale - If you need a break from counting down the time until Star Citizen alpha 3.0 is here, you could always just go buy a new concept ship. The new Origin X1…
Camelot Unchained fleshes out character creation backgrounds, animations, and UI - This week's Camelot Unchained update is a top 10 list with 17 items, which is the sort of thing our own Perfect Ten writers would do, so we've got to…
Star Citizen’s alpha 3.0 is finally in the hands of (some) player testers - Get your "it's happening" gifs out: Star Citizen's alpha 3.0 is here. Kind of. Sort of. It's here if you're a member the 800-member Evocati group, who are generally high-dollar-amount…
Crowfall devs on why they don’t make their soft launch production checklist public - Happy October: It's time for another Crowfall Q&A. ArtCraft's Thomas Blair and Mark Halash and sit down to answer questions from high-end Crowfall backers. Of note, they cover multiple skill…
The Thargoids are adapting to player tactics in Elite: Dangerous - First, the player debate in Elite: Dangerous was whether or not players would have to fight the Thargoids. Then, it was over how to fight the Thargoids. Then it was…
Valiance Online confirms sidekicking, talks visual effects upgrades - One of City of Heroes' best features is going to be making a reappearance in its spiritual successor. Valiance Online confirmed to Massively OP that a sidekicking system is in…
Shroud of the Avatar pops out a free October trial, runs a Halloween contest - You can't turn around in this genre these days without Shroud of the Avatar leaping out at you with another free trial. And so it is for October, as the…
Indie space sandbox MMO Dual Universe launches pre-alpha with a fresh trailer - Happy pre-alpha, Dual Universe! The ambitious indie space sandbox MMORPG kicked off the pre-alpha over the weekend, bringing 2500 backers in to test. You'll recall that it was the alpha…
The Exiled lets players in for unlimited free-to-play trial play - So, how did The Exiled's Survival Mode experiment work out? Not well enough, according to the latest update from the developers. It was interesting, but not good enough. So the…
Crowfall goes over the history and perks of Humans and Elves - Even Crowfall, as progressive as it is with its racial choices, must bow to the ironclad law of MMOs that state, "Every fantasy game must contain, at the bare minimum,…
Wild Buster runs limited alpha test while continuing to raise funds - We've been covering Wild Buster with a mixture of interest and amusement, as this patchwork MMO is a little too weird and inexplicable to ignore. Now you can play it,…
Catch up with Legends of Aria’s final alpha with a town hall Q&A and a fresh start guide - The word "final" certainly attracts the attention, which is perhaps why there's this excited buzz around Legends of Aria's final alpha. The test kicked off last week with a slew…
Elite: Dangerous players are at war with one another over war with the Thargoids - Players of Elite: Dangerous have spent quite a while anticipating the arrival of the Thargoids. There were hopeful skirmishes against the aliens soon after their full arrival, and players have…
Shroud of the Avatar is not launching this year, but it will have a launch date this year - There's a lot still to be done in the development of Shroud of the Avatar. Even with the most recent major patch for the game having just been released, the…
Path of Exile patches in new language support with 3.0.2 - [AL:POE]It is entirely possible that you speak English but don't really have that as your primary language. Yes, you can read English texts, but in your heard you feel far…
Ship of Heroes puts out an alert for the Yekus Mercenary Clan - Even though we are quite a ways out from playing Ship of Heroes for real, it is not too early to start becoming familiar with the different enemy groups that…