2015 in review

MMORPG science in 2015

Better not scoff at academic research: From Superdata to in-house economists, from feminist theory to Bartle, and from education applications to NASA mapping, science is...

MMO Year in Review: Star Citizen’s triumph (December 2015)

This year, we're taking a time-machine back through our MMO coverage, month by month, to hit the highlights and frame our journey before we head...
Blinded by the X.

The Daily Grind: Do you have any resolutions for 2016 in MMOs?

2016 is almost here, and I nearly forgot all about it! It feels less like "New Year's Eve" and more like "Thursday, get all...

MMO Year in Review: Blizzard’s big plans (November 2015)

This year, we're taking a time-machine back through our MMO coverage, month by month, to hit the highlights and frame our journey before we head...

MMO Year in Review: The SWTOR vs. Guild Wars 2 showdown (October 2015)

This year, we're taking a time-machine back through our MMO coverage, month by month, to hit the highlights and frame our journey before we head...

MMO Year in Review: WildStar Reloaded (September 2015)

This year, we're taking a time-machine back through our MMO coverage, month by month, to hit the highlights and frame our journey before we head...

MMO Year in Review: Into the Heart of Thorns (August 2015)

This year, we're taking a time-machine back through our MMO coverage, month by month, to hit the highlights and frame our journey before we head...

The MMORPG adventures you chose in 2015

When the Choose My Adventure column was first begun many years ago on Massively-that-was, it was an adventure entirely in the hands of the readers. The...

MMO Year in Review: Smed & Smart (July 2015)

This year, we're taking a time-machine back through our MMO coverage, month by month, to hit the highlights and frame our journey before we head...

MMO Year in Review: Heavensward’s arrival (June 2015)

This year, we're taking a time-machine back through our MMO coverage, month by month, to hit the highlights and frame our journey before we head...

MMO Year in Review: WoW’s nosedive (May 2015)

This year, we're taking a time-machine back through our MMO coverage, month by month, to hit the highlights and frame our journey before we head...

MMO Year in Review: A Star Wars Galaxies postmortem (April 2015)

This year, we're taking a time-machine back through our MMO coverage, month by month, to hit the highlights and frame our journey before we head...

MMO Year in Review: Crowfall’s Kickstarter (March 2015)

This year, we're taking a time-machine back through our MMO coverage, month by month, to hit the highlights and frame our journey before we head...
Yes, yes it is.

MMO Year in Review: Daybreak’s downslide (February 2015)

December's many article roundups and awards always remind me that it's hard to remember what happened last month, let alone what happened way back...

Flameseeker Chronicles: Recapping Guild Wars 2 in 2015

The holiday season is well and truly upon us, so it's that most wonderful time of the year during which the Massively OP reporters...
Here we go again.

Wisdom of Nym: Looking back at Final Fantasy XIV’s 2015

I realize that this is arguably a little early. We've still got a couple of weeks left in 2015, after all, and patch 3.15...