A major global studio based in South Korea, known in the west for games like WildStar, Guild Wars 2, and Aion, among many others.
The Stream Team: Adventures in Aion’s new Abyss
MassivelyOP's MJ can't let Thanksgiving go by without checking in on her favorite flying game. After all, Aion is responsible for her tenure with...
Perfect Ten: Ten MMOs to be thankful for by type
It's been a while since I wrote a column that comes out on Thursdays, which means that it's also been a while since I've...
Massively OP’s holiday gift guide for Guild Wars 2 players
It's been a glorious, if very long and busy, year for Guild Wars 2, so I'm sure ArenaNet is eager to see Wintersday approaching at...
WildStar is running a double XP ‘X-plosion’ starting November 27
What will you be doing on November 27th? If you're me, you'll be scarfing up leftovers, playing Star Wars: Battlefront, and looping that Finn...
Massively OP Podcast Episode 39: Giving thanks
Justin and Bree discuss Black Desert, Blade & Soul, SWTOR nerfs, Funcom, and gratitude, plus mailbag questions on other podcasts, the quest for sandboxes, F2P restrictions, and custom races.
Massively OP’s holiday gift guide for total MMO newbies
If you're anything like me, you probably have a tough time deciding what kinds of gifts to buy all of your totally real, not-at-all...
The Daily Grind: What are the basic rules of conduct for an MMO community?
If there's one thing I've learned from 18 years of playing MMOs, it's that games train us to abide by some pretty weird codes...
Massively OP’s holiday gift guide for the MMO peripheral junkie
I'm not going to lie, folks: I love peripherals. Love 'em. As soon as I was introduced to the idea that you could have...
MMO Mechanics: Three game-changing movement mechanics
In order to create the most truly challenging MMOs that connect players with the specific virtual environments they're traversing, developers have always worked on...
One Shots: Transformations
Guild Wars 2 and One Shots is a pairing as old as time immemorial. Thus, it's great to bring this good-looking MMO back into...
Blade & Soul will include North American players in its next world championship
Do you want to be the best around, with nothing that will ever keep you down? Blade & Soul makes a point of being...
The Daily Grind: What’s your worst MMO guild drama horror story?
Guild Wars 2's raiding guild drama earlier this week naturally made me think of guild drama I've experienced myself. I mean, if you've been...
Guild Wars 2 Quaggan holiday merch available to pre-order tomorrow
Every MMO seems to have its breakout race, and for many Guild Wars 2 players, it's the lovable and squishy Quaggan. So what if...
Aion’s Abyss is shaken up with Patch 4.9
Strange and wonderful things are afoot in Aion's Abyssal region following yesterday's Patch 4.9.
The content update comes as a shockwave has hit the game's...
Perfect Ten: MMOs you forgot existed (but are still running)
No MMO can be in the spotlight eternally. Even some of the biggest names out there -- your World of Warcrafts, your Guild Wars...
Blade & Soul makes Western debut on January 19th
If you've been waiting for the localized launch of Blade & Soul for what feels like an eternity, your wait is nearly over. The...
The Daily Grind: Have you tried Lineage II’s new server?
Lineage II launched on Steam recently. NCsoft also added a new server to its 11-year old fantasy stalwart. I played a bit in Aden...
Guild Wars 2 had a five-hour Heart of Thorns launch megastream
If you've got five-plus hours to kill and you're a fan of Guild Wars 2, you might enjoy checking in with the Heart of...
Flameseeker Chronicles: Guild Wars 2’s enhanced Squad UI factsheet
I've already brought you my initial impressions of the Gorseval raid encounter followed by a quickfire interview with Guild Wars 2 Associate Game Director Steven...
Guild Wars 2’s introduction of raids is followed shortly by the introduction of raid drama
Guild Wars 2 introduced the first wing of its new raids to players yesterday. To make these new raids as good as they could...