
See: Age of Conan

New World shows off the factions and enemies of the world of Aeternum

We already had an idea that New World is a dangerous place and that we were getting a video diary about the factions as...

Funcom’s Conan Chop Chop has been delayed yet again, this time to Q2 2020

Funcom spent 2019 teasing its goofy but cuddly online ARPG Conan Chop Chop. Originally floated as an April Fools' Day joke, it turned out...

The MOP Up: Outlaws of the Old West wipes its servers

The survival sandbox that brought you Bigfoot (for some reason) is now triggering a region-wide apocalypse. OK, it's just a server wipe for Outlaws...

The Survivalist: So Funcom’s DUNE will be a survival game, not an MMO

Remember back in February of last year when we learned that Funcom inked an exclusive deal for at least three games based on Frank...

The Stream Team: Construction and kitty collection in Conan Exiles

Massively OP's MJ is eager to make some headway on her 20 for 2020 goals, and today's target is Conan Exiles! She is excited...

Tencent wants to buy out the rest of Funcom as board recommends focusing on DUNE

My inbox this morning had half a dozen tips and press releases on this Funcom story, so you know we're doing it first thing:...

The MOP Up: Funcom delays Moons of Madness’ console release

For those starving in the Secret Worlds Legends content wasteland of 2019, there was at least the single-player spin-off Moons of Madness to enjoy....

The Survivalist: My top 20 survival game goals for 2020, part the second

With so many survival titles out there, it's no wonder I couldn't contain my full list of new year goals in a single Survivalist!...

The Survivalist: My top 20 survival game goals for 2020, part the first

You might say that I like survival games. You should say it because I really, really do. Especially games that let me explore and...

The Stream Team: Just some friendly Conan Exiles jousting

What's a little jousting among friends? Massively OP's MJ already took a look at Conan Exiles' new horses, but now she's going to put...

MassivelyOP’s 2019 Golden Yachties: Best MMO April Fools’ joke that wasn’t a joke

MassivelyOP's not-so-serious end-of-the-year awards continue today with our pick for Best MMO April Fools' joke that wasn't a joke. If you're wondering what the...

The MOP Up: Dark Age of Camelot’s progression server

Dark Age of Camelot recently put up a huge end-of-year Q&A grab bag for you to enjoy, including plans for next year -- and...

Massively Overthinking: Our MMO predictions for 2020

With 2019 drawing to a close and a new decade of MMORPGs waiting for us just a few days away, the Massively OP writing...

Winter events kick off in Anarchy Online and Age of Conan, Conan Exiles launches a holiday contest

It seems like a lot of MMOs and multiplayer games are starting to realize that Christmas is arriving in less than a week. Case...

Funcom’s Conan Chop Chop, newly retooled with ‘full online multiplayer,’ arrives February 25 2020

Do you folks remember the goofball multiplayer title Funcom's been teasing all year, Conan Chop Chop? It was originally floated as an April Fools'...

PSA: Conan Exiles will be free-to-play during this weekend on Steam

Have you been watching MJ's Conan Exiles streams and wondering what it'd be like to drop into the sun-baked survival hell of Hyboria? Well,...

Conan Exiles’ latest patch causes repeated crashing issues for Xbox One players

Sure, the world of Conan Exiles is meant to be harsh, but it's also meant to work, so seeing repeated forum posts of the...

The Stream Team: Horsing around in Conan Exiles

Mounts have made it into Conan Exiles, and Massively OP's absolutely has to have a horsey! She's heading into Hyboria to corral a few...

One Shots: Rubbing shoulders with greatness

It is hard not to feel a little awestruck when you encounter a famous face, even if it takes place inside of a game....

Conan Exiles has officially launched HORSIES with today’s free update and Riders of Hyboria DLC

It's mount day in Conan Exiles, folks! Look, every game needs mounts. This is known. This is a good day. It's an even better...