
Seattle-based studio responsible for Guild Wars and Guild Wars 2.

The Daily Grind: Which MMORPGs have a permanent place on your desktop?

On the MOP Podcast a while back, I mentioned that Project Gorgon had made its way into a permanent home on my PC, which...

Massively Overthinking: The slowest and fastest combat in MMORPGs

During a recent podcast discussion about City of Heroes' official revival, the MOP writers were talking about its combat, which - let's be honest...

Guild Wars 2 studio says no accounts involved in new social engineering claim were compromised by CS

The Guild Wars 2 Reddit community has been up in arms this week over a gigantic thread started by former ArenaNet partner and content...

Guild Wars 2 quietly kicks off its Return to Living World S1 event for the next week

Blink and you'll miss it, as ArenaNet isn't widely promoting it apart from a calendar note and mention on social media: Guild Wars 2...

Perfect Ten: The weirdest weapons from MMOs of yore

Swords. Staffs. Maces. Spears. Wands. Bows. Crossbows. Double-crossbows. Hammers. Wolverine claws. Daggers. Axes. Deadly? Yes. Fashionable? Not so much. A two-handed sword is so...

The Stream Team: Slaughtering Centaurs for a baby Skyscale in Guild Wars 2

The hatching and raising of her Guild Wars 2 Skyscale is progressing, and Massively Op's MJ aims to complete another achievement tonight. She's really...

The Daily Grind: Do you track your MMO gaming habits from year to year?

Steam's customized "year in review" report captured everyone's attention for a hot minute back in December. All over social media and in my favorite Discords,...
Something fell.

The Game Archaeologist’s ultimate MMO archives v7.0

Once again we put a wrap on another year of MMORPG news, opinions, and -- most pertinent to this column -- history. In a...

One Shots: Fine dining at the end of the world

When the moon is crashing down into the ocean to cause tsunamis, earthquakes, firestorms, and a mass extinction-level event, what is there to do...

Guild Wars 2 shares patch notes for its next balance update, prepares the return of Living World Season 1

It's both a look to the future and a blast from the past for Guild Wars 2 players, as ArenaNet has posted the initial...

Massively Overthinking: The 2023 MMO trainwrecks (almost) nobody noticed

This might be one of the most important Massively Overthinkings we do all year, and it's a pretty salty one. We always come away...

Steam welcomes ‘legally murky’ AI games, voice actors guild forges controversial AI deal

Valve waited until end of business last night to post big news: It's going to allow AI-driven games on Steam, with just enough caveats...

The Stream Team: Guild Wars 2 boss beat-down

Since she has finished raising her turtle in Guild Wars 2, Massively OP's MJ only has the skyscale left to focus on. To finally...

Guild Wars 2’s next world vs world restructuring beta is scheduled to begin January 12

The attempt by ArenaNet to restructure WvW PvP in Guild Wars 2 - an effort that was first announced in 2018 - is set...

Massively Overthinking: Hopes and fears for MMOs in 2024

For our first Massively Overthinking of the year, we're drawing a hard line between what we think will happen, what we mean to make...

End-of-Year Eleven: All the upcoming MMOs to watch in 2024 and beyond

We've said it before, but this time we really mean it: The future of MMORPGs looks amazing. Contrary to years when we've seen only...

The Stream Team: Guild Wars 2 turtle power!

It's Guild Wars 2-sday on the 2nd! What a perfect way to get this new year rolling, no? After successfully defeating Jackdaw right after...

The 2023 One Shots Awards: The best MMO screenshots of the year

It doesn't feel quite right to end the year without making sure that everything's in order -- and part of that definitely includes returning...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO has the brightest future in 2024?

2024 is already shaping up to be an interesting year with plenty to anticipate from the big MMOs. We're looking at expansions for World...

Massively Overthinking: Our MMO resolutions for 2024

Stop right there. I know you're about to object and say that you don't do resolutions, let alone MMO resolutions. That's fine. A lot...