Guild Wars 2 previews pre-launch updates to its class weapons proliferation


Guild Wars 2 studio ArenaNet dropped a fresh dev blog last night on V-day to herald the impending launch of the game’s new weapon proficiencies, slated for the game’s next Secrets of the Obscure quarterly update. Combat designer Taylor Brooks touches on every single class to discuss what the studio learned from the playtests last fall and how it incorporated player feedback into the final version.

The blog is packed with details, obviously, and you’re going to want to skim your own favorite classes. Notably, the devs are improving pet interaction and reducing downtime for the Ranger’s mace, fixing Thieves’ axe projectile consistency, buffing adrenaline game for Warrior staves, removing autoattack chain skill-charging from the Revenant’s scepter, buffing Necro sword damage, and diversifying animations for Elementalist pistols, along with smaller tweaks to the Mesmer rifle and Guardian dual pistols. The Engineer’s short bow has the longest list of adjustments; it’ll see sped-up skills, reductions for cast time, and lowered pulsing component reqs.

We don’t yet have a hard date for SOTO’s next entry, but we’re expecting it in the next month or so. In the meantime, ArenaNet invites you to swing by its Twitch livestream at 3 p.m. EST on Friday for a preview of the March balance update, as you apparently have nowhere else to be at 3 p.m. on a Friday.

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