ask me anything

Yeah, cool.

Stadia holds an AMA that confirms a laundry list of features that won’t be available at launch

Well, at least they were honest? Members of the Google Stadia team took to Reddit for an AMA that gleefully revealed a significant chunk...

Dual Universe AMA tackles questions about alpha testing, LUA scripting, combat, and more

Novaquark, developer of upcoming voxel-based spacefaring MMO Dual Universe, has posted an AMA of all the questions asked by fans during Gamescom 2018. The...
Paint with all the colors of the etc.

Legends of Aria may delay its Steam early access start

Don't go taking any time off work in April with the hopes of playing Legends of Aria's early access program. In an Ask Me...
Darn it.

Hearthstone’s game director fields questions about the expansion, ladder experimentation, and new heroes

With Knights of the Frozen Throne coming to Hearthstone next month, excitement is reaching a fever pitch for this already-popular card title. Game Director...
Swings and roundabouts!

You’ll need to put in about 20 hours in Albion Online to become competitive in PvP

As Albion Online barrels toward a summer release, the crew took to Reddit yesterday for a marathon AMA session to tackle any pressing community...
Now you try.

Skyforge AMA discusses pay-to-win and future content updates

Skyforge just released a major update, but it's also making an effort to reach out to its community more enthusiastically. Western producer Volker Boenigk...

Chronicles of Elyria AMA on alpha, middleware, griefing, and B2P

The Chronicles of Elyria team submitted itself to the wilds of an AMA on Reddit earlier this afternoon, allowing players to bombard the developers...

Crowfall addresses victory conditions, Malekai lore

When it launches, Crowfall is going to have to deal with the problem of winning. The most recent Ask Me Anything event for the...
Wow, hey, stuff.

RIFT’s design team answers player questions on Reddit

In 1964, Bob Dylan released "The Times They Are A-Changin'," and he could very well have been talking about RIFT. Sure, the odds are...