The Soapbox: Difficulty is a means to an end in MMORPGs
A few weeks back, I took a peak into Corepunk's early access build, and I promptly got my ass kicked by even the most...
WoW Factor: Ranking all 10 of World of Warcraft’s expansions from worst to best
Now that I've played through the entirety of The War Within, I have some strong opinions where this expansion lies in the grander tapestry...
One Shots: Even monsters should brush their teeth
Imaginations being what they are, I've spent perhaps too much time thinking about what sentient monster lives are like when we're not beating the...
WoW Factor: The mulligan problem in World of Warcraft’s narrative
In World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade, Illidan Stormrage gets killed. This isn't actually a surprising end for the character. Illidan as a person...
Perfect Ten: Why World of Warcraft’s Legion was a top-tier expansion
While a lot of long-time World of Warcraft players will point to Wrath of the Lich King as the high point of the MMO,...
WoW Factor: Blizzard started listening to World of Warcraft players for a reason its leadership doesn’t want to say
I have a few different conflicting thoughts when it comes to the most recent interview with World of Warcraft game director Ion Hazzikostas, or...
World of Warcraft’s Ion Hazzikostas reflects on a ‘a time of introspection and reexamination’ for the MMORPG
World of Warcraft game director Ion Hazzikostas has a lot to say regarding the changes that the game's development staff is making moving forward...
WoW Factor: The streak The War Within needs to break for World of Warcraft
On November 13th, 2008, World of Warcraft's second expansion, Wrath of the Lich King, was released to an eager population. The prior expansion, The...
WoW Factor: Guessing at World of Warcraft’s The War Within’s release date using math
Oh yeah. It's time. I actually have some thoughts to share about World of Warcraft's current Remix leveling event, which are complicated and multilayered...
WoW Factor: How World of Warcraft makes you cheer for removing features
Yesterday, MOP's Justin wrote a column about The Elder Scrolls Online that detailed its key virtues. It's a good column, and one of the...
WoW Factor: Steve Danuser was not really the problem with World of Warcraft
So I don't want to sit here and say "oh, things were going so great" before the news that Steve Danuser had actually left...
WoW Factor: Just by existing, the Worldsoul Saga delivers something World of Warcraft desperately needed
Last week, I argued that a lot of the elements of World of Warcraft: The War Within that at least sound good on paper....
WoW Factor: The dungeon finder really did muck up World of Warcraft’s leveling – but not the way you’re thinking
So if you missed Justin's recent column, he mentioned how bad leveling feels these days in World of Warcraft and some of the reasons...
Perfect Ten: Every expansion era of World of Warcraft ranked
For a long time, I have been considering this particular column just because, well, it's an obvious one. If you have a column whose...
World of Warcraft’s leads are ‘skeptical’ they’ll ever get gearing right
With Update 10.1.5 out the door, World of Warcraft's dev teams have their hands full with the subsequent fallout and adjustments from this kitchen...
World of Warcraft updates its 2023 roadmap with plans for the next two patches for the game
No, the next minor incoming patch for World of Warcraft is not purely about Fury Warriors. We understand any confusion there, though; the patch...
World of Warcraft will remove the Pathfinder requirement for Battle for Azeroth flight in patch 10.0.7
Inside of you are two wolves. One of them wants to be able to fly in Battle for Azeroth areas in World of Warcraft...
WoW Factor: World of Warcraft is just coasting down the mountain
In November 1994, Marvel Comics launched a new comic book spin-off from the main X-Men series. Generation X, written by Scott Lobdell, was in...
WoW Factor: World of Warcraft’s mid-expansion endgame zone problem
Hey gang, who wants to go explore new zones in Dragonflight? Does that sound exciting to you? That's great, and for the past several...
WoW Factor: The curious treatment of alts in World of Warcraft Dragonflight
So now that first impressions are out of the way and I can focus on other things like making sure that my alts get...