blizzard entertainment

Major gaming studio, responsible for World of Warcraft and the Warcraft franchise, Diablo III and the Diablo franchise, Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm, and Overwatch.

World of Warcraft’s Legion expansion launches August 30

Blizzard has just announced that World of Warcraft's Legion expansion is launching August 30th. The standard edition (physical and digital) will run $49.99, while a...

The MOP Up: ARK’s free PvP version goes wide (April 17, 2016)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

RuneScape argues why MMO companies should offer classic servers

There's been this thing in the news over the past two weeks about a certain (illegal) fan-run vanilla World of Warcraft server and its...

Leaderboard: What was World of Warcraft’s best era or expansion?

With vanilla World of Warcraft on the brain so much lately, I thought it would be fun to take stock of just what people...

The Daily Grind: What are your current MMO goals?

I've noticed that several of my friends have taken to drawing up monthly goals for their MMO sessions, an activity that I've been doing...

Diablo III promises new cosmetics in its next patch

'Fess up if you're one of those people who play even action RPGs for the eyecandy. Good news for you today! Blizzard is bolstering...

BBC news reports on World of Warcraft Nostalrius server shutdown

The shutdown of Nostalrius is not going quietly into the night. The wake of the World of Warcraft vanilla emulator's closure under the threat...

Global Chat: An MMO to call home

Home. It's what many MMO gamers are looking for in a title: to plant down roots and find a place that exudes belonging. What...
Is someone getting the quest, the quest, the quest...

World of Warcraft previews the design of World Quests for Legion

The next expansion for World of Warcraft is trying something different for endgame. It's not the sprawling dailies of Mists of Pandaria, and it's...
You thought wrong.

WoW hit by DDoS attacks attributed to Lizard Squad [Resolved]

Bad news for players looking to log into World of Warcraft or Blizzard's other online games. The studio shared that it's been weathering DDoS...
I guess this is sought.

Overwatch opens up all heroes for final closed beta weekend

Gotta play them all! If you've been itching to try out any specific Overwatch hero, this weekend might be your chance. On Friday and...

Blizzard to WoW testers: Class orders will not be like garrison missions

If you've paid any attention to World of Warcraft during its present expansion cycle, you are probably aware that Garrisons have not exactly been...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 60: Nostalrius down

Justin and Bree discuss Nostalrius, TERA, Black Desert, SWTOR, DDO, Guild Wars 2, and WoW, with mailbag questions on Kickstarters and Tabula Rasa.

Arizona State University team wins Heroes of the Storm’s Heroes of the Dorm

Four college teams faced off at the Heroes of the Dorm championship, and now one team has emerged as the winner. Heroes of the...
We were the kings and queens of promise.

The Daily Grind: Does your guild or family govern which MMORPGs you play?

A few podcasts ago, I lamented that my time in Black Desert would probably be brief, at least for now, because my guildies weren't...

The Daily Grind: How do you feel about being ‘run’ through MMORPG content?

The news that Guild Wars 2 is nerfing player-led "runs" through Super Adventure Box made me sit back and ponder the whole concept. Power-leveling lowbies...

The MOP Up: Demons invade Skyforge (April 10, 2016)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

The Daily Grind: What’s the best MMORPG expansion you’ve experienced?

Very few things get me as excited as the announcement of a new expansion for a favorite MMO. Expansions are thrilling events, stirring up...
I don't miss the days without blood elves, not at all.

WoW Factor: Nostalrius, copyright, and player demand

If you haven't been following the latest Legion testing - which, at the end of the day, is just a series of iterative updates...

The Daily Grind: Would you play on a vanilla World of Warcraft server?

Word that wildly popular "progressive vanilla" World of Warcraft emulator Nostalrius is sunsetting in the face of a Blizzard legal threat has dominated MMORPG...