
Major gaming studio, responsible for World of Warcraft and the Warcraft franchise, Diablo III and the Diablo franchise, Hearthstone, Heroes of the Storm, and Overwatch.

Stormy weather.

First impressions of World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth, part 4: Conclusions

Part four covers expansion odds and ends plus the conclusion to our series: the problem with Azerite, progression, and why the expansion isn't bad, just weakly executed.

Gamescom 2018: Blizzard announces Diablo’s Mephisto for Heroes of the Storm, Tychus and crew for StarCraft II

Blizzard is rolling into Cologne with a bunch of Gamescom reveals for some of its titles, two of which are on display already today. First...

One Shots: Supporting characters

When you look for famous characters in your MMO, you may be looking for someone complete different than the rest of the crowd. Lt. Commander Hikari...

Take-Two scores in lawsuit against Grand Theft Auto franchise hack distributor

US courts have once again aligned with game companies in a lawsuit against cheaters and purveyors of cheat programs. This time, it's Take-Two Interactive doing...

A fluffy casual’s starting perspective on World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth

Let me tell you a bit about me and how I play MMORPGs. Between two jobs and a family, my gaming time is relegated...

World of Warcraft’s voice actor roundup, R. Lee Ermey tribute, and Horde identity crisis

World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth has elicited a lot of praise from the community for its superb voice acting. Blizzard Watch put together...
I'm on a boat.

The Daily Grind: When have studios tried to ‘strong arm’ you into changing your MMO playstyle?

The other day when we reported how World of Warcraft had removed the auto-accept functionality from its group finder, Reader Kalech noted, "If people...
Healing girl.

There’s a free Overwatch weekend in your future later this month

As a buy-to-play game, Overwatch has always had that financial barrier that's kept some potentially interested players at bay. For those who haven't taken...

First impressions of World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth, part 3: Narrative

Part three covers expansion story: narrative design, the text, the intended emotional reaction, good vs. evil, comparisons to Wrathgate, and how the game's cinematic presentation is let down by its plot.

Hearthstone’s new puzzle labs is coming next week as its production director departs

Just because Hearthstone's Boomsday Project expansion is out and about doesn't mean that the dev team is done with its crazy experiments. In fact, next...
That which is not dead is Diablo III.

Massively Overthinking: Would you want to play a League of Legends or Diablo MMORPG?

Over the last couple of weeks, we've had some tantalizing rumors and teases that both Riot Games and Blizzard are building something new: Riot's...
Baby were born to run from the other side.

Rend’s Jeremy Wood on how Frostkeep borrows from Blizzard, Dark Age of Camelot, and PlanetSide

GameDaily has an interview with Rend's Jeremy Wood this week that covers a bunch of meta topics of interest to MMO players and watchers...
Going nowhere, going nowhere.

First impressions of World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth, part 2: Content

Part two covers expansion content: the storyline, the new zones, the War Campaign, questing, rewards, Inscription, professions, dungeons, and environments.

Torchlight Frontiers is being built by an ‘all-star team’ of former Torchlight and Diablo II devs

"So now I am very, very pleased to announce to everybody that we are taking the next step with Torchlight and making an MMO." By...
You know, it can really be your jong.

Diablo III is heading to the Nintendo Switch this fall

We may now know at least one of the several Diablo projects that Blizzard was teasing last week. Blizzard Watch reports that Diablo III...
Dead in the water.

First impressions of World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth, part 1: Mechanics

Part one covers chiefly the expansion's mechanics: the basics of leveling, the Heart of Azeroth, level scaling, Azerite powers, combat, spec changes, War Mode, and the campaign.
Of course, you can argue that the lack of BfA is actually a positive.

WoW’s Battle for Azeroth: Secret quests, island rewards, bug fixes, and cinematic tomfoolery

Done everything already in Battle for Azeroth? Oh, you lie, but when you are done, you might want to keep your eye out for...

Global Chat: Everybody’s burning up about that Sylvanas thing

Yes, just about every MMO blogger was sharing heated opinions about last week's World of WarCraft WarCrime. "It’s such a sad event and I’m particularly...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 182: Follow the Torchlight

Justin and Bree discuss World of Warcraft, Star Wars Galaxies, LOTRO, Torchlight Frontiers, Diablo, RuneScape Classic, Trove, and No Man's Sky. And also haiku!

Leaderboard: Must MMORPGs revolve around grouping to be MMORPGs?

It would be easy to dismiss Saga of Lucimia's pervasive "group-based or go home" ideas as mere rhetoric, but the reality is, there exists...