blizzcon 2019

Not So Massively: Reflections on Blizzard, one year after the Hong Kong fiasco

Almost exactly a year ago, I declared that the Blizzard I loved is dead, in reaction to the Blitzchung/Hearthstone/Hong Kong fiasco. Twelve months later, that...

Perfect Ten: When celebs crossed paths with MMOs

Even as the world continues to turn to and normalize gaming as a respectable hobby, there's still a lingering stigma of playing online titles...

The best MassivelyOP community Daily Grinds of 2019

Last year, I counted it up: The first Daily Grind on Massively was written on November 3rd, 2007, one day after Old Massively was...

The most popular MMORPG conversations of 2019

I feel like a broken record saying this, but the success of a blog is not just about page views or ad impressions or...
Nothing else has worked.

WoW Factor: A quick glance back at 2019 for World of Warcraft

So how did this year go for Blizzard Entertainment? Well... badly. You cannot have missed all of that. But it also went badly in...

Perfect Ten: The biggest MMO news stories of 2019

When we sit back to look at the biggest headlines of the year, we don't have to look far. These are the stories that...

Massively OP’s 2019 MMO Video Game Music Awards

Many of us here on the Massively OP staff have our own personal pet projects and interests that might not be as widespread as...

Ask Mo: The hits and misses of MassivelyOP’s 2019 predictions

The day has come: the day when we look back at last year's predictions for this year and see how we did. Yep, this...

Massively Overthinking: The best and worst MMO developer quotes of 2019

It's long-since become a multi-year and fun tradition on Massively OP to do an end-of-year recap of the best and worst MMO dev quotes...
Friends now.

Vague Patch Notes: A look behind the magic at Massively Overpowered

Here we are on another Thanksgiving holiday, and as with every year, one of the big things I'm thankful for is that I've now...

The Covenant abilities for Death Knights in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands have been revealed

When World of Warcraft: Shadowlands arrives, every individual class will be choosing between four different class-specific abilities via the Covenants. Of course, enterprising fans on...

Diablo IV’s design team touches on BlizzCon feedback

Undoubtedly, there is a lot of time between now and Diablo IV's launch, whenever that will be. This means that the online ARPG is...

Global Chat: EverQuest II’s 15 years of being in WoW’s shadow

For just a few short weeks of its now 15-year lifespan, EverQuest II existed apart from a launched World of Warcraft. Then late November...
Oh my.

J. Allen Brack says the Blitzchung incident ‘exposed some immaturity’ in Blizzard

It's a bit long in the tooth now with BlizzCon well behind us, but the Esports Observer published an interview with Blizzard's J. Allen...

Hearthstone’s eight-player Battlegrounds mode enters open beta

If you're keen on a little something new in your games of Hearthstone -- say, a mode that doesn't have any cards in it...
Hold your breath and count to ten, fall apart, start again.

Not So Massively: Overwatch 2 is what Overwatch should have been from the start

Much to my own surprise, the announcement that most excited me at BlizzCon this year was not from any of the franchises I usually...

Diablo IV lead developer confirms cosmetic microtransactions will be in the game

So, just how will Blizzard make sweet, sweet money off of Diablo IV? Expansions, surely. A cash shop, apparently. And that cash shop will...

The Daily Grind: Should World of Warcraft switch to annual expansions?

During last week's Activision-Blizzard investor call, Blizzard executives dodged hard on one analyst's question about WoW Classic retention - no great surprise there, really,...

Overwatch’s Jeff Kaplan thinks Blizzard’s Blitzchung punishment was too harsh

Last week, it was players, game industry leaders, and congress against Blizzard in the matter of Hearthstone player Blitzchung's sentencing over pro-Hong Kong statements....
fa la la la la la ~

Overwatch’s ‘stagnation’ is the direct result of Blizzard working on Overwatch 2

If it's seemed to you like Overwatch just hasn't gotten as many fun seasonal events or unusual updates for a while, that's because it's true....