

WoW lost nearly three million subs in three months

Stop me if you've heard this one before: Blizzard behemoth World of Warcraft loses a bunch of subscribers, the internet loses its mind, and we...

Chaos Theory: Reaping the Whirlwind in The Secret World’s Issue #11

To spoil or not to spoil; that is the question. When it comes to The Secret World, that's a very serious question indeed! As much...

WildStar’s massive INVASION: Nexus patch is live

Do you want a pet? Do you want to take on some contracts? Are you excited to play around with an expanded wardrobe? Is...

Eternal Crusade lead level designer is the latest in a string of desertions

Eternal Crusade seems to have a retention problem with its employees, as Lead Level Designer Steven Lumpkin just became the latest of a series...
If I could turn back time.

Guild Wars 2 Heart of Thorns’ first elite spec is the Chronomancer

Let's talk history for a moment. Before Guild Wars 2 was a thing, before it was even an idea, the team at ArenaNet was working...
GTA Online

GTA Online: All the open world feels, none of the MMO grind

Any minute now I'm going to log out of Grand Theft Auto Online so I can finish this not-a-review. Seriously, I've played this game...

Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns interview unwraps specializations and traits

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, readers of all races, professions, and levels: I finally have the news we've all been waiting for! Today...

Elder Scrolls Online advertises cash shop item in game

Nothing helps you get immersed in your favorite MMO like a gaudy multilingual cash shop advertisement pasted on your game screen, right? ZeniMax is...

How Jedi ruined Star Wars Galaxies

Hope you're not tired of hearing about Star Wars Galaxies because Raph "Holocron" Koster's got SWG on the brain this week, and he's answering...
Price shark.

Trion snaps up Linda ‘Brasse’ Carlson

Nothing tells your player community that the transition to a new corporate structure will be totally fine like firing a pillar of community interaction,...
Any Kill Bill references you want to make here may or may not be apropos. It's a fine line.

Rumor: WildStar box recall and promo might herald free-to-play

The last time the retailer yanked boxes of a game from the shelves and returned them to the distributors, it was The Elder Scrolls...

Previewing Path of Exile’s mind-blowing Act IV

If you thought Path of Exile's previous three content updates would be hard acts to follow, you clearly haven't heard enough about the upcoming...

NCsoft West lays off Austin support staff

NCsoft West has laid off a number of support staff and is moving its customer service operation to a third-party provider, according to Polygon. Today's...
You get a stronghold! And you get a stronghold! Everybody here gets a stronghold!

Guild Wars 2 will run a 24-hour public Stronghold beta

Are you unable to contain your excitement for Heart of Thorns much longer? Do you need a taste of the expansion right now? Because...
Something to (shadow) crow about.

WoW Token prices fall on the first day of operation

Have you been holding on to your hat during the first day of WoW Token sales? Did you think that 30,000 gold was a...

Sanctions force World of Warcraft, Diablo III ban in Crimea

When gamers are caught in the crossfire of international politics, bad things can happen. Due to US sanctions against Russia, World of Warcraft and Diablo...
No more gates.

World of Warcraft tokens go on sale April 7th

Looking forward to paying for your World of Warcraft subscription with in-game gold? You don't have long to wait at all; the WoW Token...

EverQuest II cuts expansions, debuts DLCs with Rum Cellar

With everything that has happened over the last couple of months, players are understandably curious and concerned about of the future of Daybreak Games'...

Massively OP’s MMO April Fools’ Day roundup, 2015 edition

It's April 1st, and in the MMO space that means that studios morph into merry tricksters and devious liars. But how will you keep...

Perfect World suffers more layoffs, this time in the EU

Massively OP has been contacted by a former Perfect World employee — who wishes to remain anonymous and whose identity we have confirmed — about...