
Spun out of EA as one of the last remnants of Mythic Entertainment, Broadsword now runs Ultima Online and Dark Age of Camelot.

Perfect Ten: Why SWTOR is still a lot of fun to play today

In a time of great uncertainty and some short-term chaos as Star Wars: The Old Republic moves from BioWare to Broadsword, one might assume...
I am not supporting this lizard-shooting quest.

The Daily Grind: Have you ever joined a volunteer guide program in an MMORPG?

The recent Anarchy Online debacle, whereby Funcom dumped its long-running Advisors of Rubi-Ka volunteer program with very little notice, really irked me, even as...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO offers the best ‘shopping’ experience?

We're talking about in-game shopping, mind you, not photoshop or cash-shop or workshops or whatever. I've joked before - not entirely facetiously - that one...

Massively Overthinking: Why don’t MMOs try harder to foster great guilds?

MOP reader Mahaf1089 posed an interesting question beneath a WoW Factor column earlier this month, one that clearly resonated with our readers because it...

BioWare finally confirms Star Wars The Old Republic’s move to Broadsword

This announcement is almost redundant at this point since we've had so much confirmation from Star Wars The Old Republic developers already, but here...

Working As Intended: My 20 years of Star Wars Galaxies

Last year, when Ultima Online turned 25 years old, I did a piece reminiscing on those early days and marveling that so much of...

One of the lead devs for Star Wars The Old Republic confirms his move to the Broadsword team

At this point, everyone has all but full-out confirmed that Star Wars: The Old Republic is changing hands from BioWare to Broadsword. This open...

The MOP Up: AdventureQuest 3D heads to the beach

A beach party is in full effect over at AdventureQuest 3D: "Summer is here, heroes! Bask in the thrill of adventure, collect Trophies for...

Global Chat: Are you pumped up for Path of Exile 2?

Online ARPG enthusiasts are no doubt keeping an eye on the long-in-the-coming Path of Exile 2 -- and crossing their fingers that it ends...

Massively Overthinking: Which MMOs are memorable but not actually fun?

Earlier this week, we ran a Daily Grind on MMOs that are fun but not especially memorable, throwing it back to a quote from...

Vague Patch Notes: Examining the MMO tiers, from the Big Five to maintenance mode

I've mentioned many a time that one of the ideas behind the Vague Patch Notes column here on MOP is to have a place...

MMO dev Richard Garriott’s Explorers Club joins search for missing submersible at the site of the Titanic

As part of our 2021 recap, we counted among our "weirdest stories" articles representing the weirdest things MMO developer Richard Garriott did that weren't,...
Something like that, anyhow.

SWTOR is ‘absolutely not’ going into maintenance mode, BioWare says

So is Star Wars The Old Republic still moving to a new studio? Yes - but the open secret that the studio is EA's...

Vague Patch Notes: So why didn’t crowdfunded MMOs save the genre?

The past few weeks we've been following this freakin' thing because... well, obvious reasons. But that has me thinking about crowdfunding in general, because...
This isn't how it had to be.

Perfect Ten: Thoughts on Star Wars The Old Republic’s impending move to Broadsword

My relationship with Star Wars: The Old Republic is best described as "complicated." The game launched at a time when I was still pretty...

Massively Overthinking: When an MMO has everything and so much of it

Last week, when No Man's Sky released its native Mac client, MOP's Chris and I fell into a discussion about the game being so...
My old wounds are acting up and stuff.

Star Wars: The Old Republic will launch Old Wounds on June 13

It's just about time to head back to Voss in Star Wars: The Old Republic. No, not because you're leveling another alt through the...

Global Chat: MMO players’ reactions to Diablo IV’s launch and SWTOR’s studio move

As the online community once again gets swept up into the hellscape of Diablo, there are no shortages of opinions about the quality of...

Fans and game devs alike react to Star Wars The Old Republic’s move to Broadsword

Yesterday saw the 100-ton news bomb of Star Wars: The Old Republic changing hands from BioWare to Broadsword Games drop on the genre's collective...
Our faith has been rewarded!

Perfect Ten: MMOs that ghosted us after talking a big game

There's nothing worse as a fan of games to buy into all of the hype and previews of a promising-looking project only to see...