business model

A British telecom is suing Valve over Steam

UK-based corporation British Telecom is apparently suing Valve in the US state of Delaware over its claim that Valve violates multiple patents held by...
Space is so big.

EVE Online is getting an optional free-to-play mode

EVE Online is going free-to-play -- kinda. CCP is being careful not to call it that, saying that its plan is "for a new...

Make My MMO: Ever Jane’s beta, Project Gorgon’s dancing, Star Citizen’s $120M (August 27, 2016)

This week in MMO crowdfunding news, Project Gorgon received a big quality-of-life patch this weekend. Of note, the game now offers synchronized dancing! "If three or...

Dark and Light confirms a buy-to-play, sub-free business model

Community confusion over Dark and Light's payment model was cleared up on Snail Games' Facebook page earlier this evening: The rereleased sandbox will indeed...

Star Trek Online finally makes a classic T6 Connie available — in a lockbox

If you've waded in the waters of Star Trek Online's community for any length of time, you'll no doubt have noticed that there's a...

Make My MMO: Elite Dangerous drenches Gamescom with gameplay videos (August 20, 2016)

This week in MMO crowdfunding news, Elite: Dangerous released an absolute space-ton of new videos out at Gamescom: one on crew, one on ship transfers, one on...

Global Chat: Deaf gamers and MMO captioning

What is it like to play MMORPGs if you're deaf? Just ask Stars of the Spiral's Kelsey, who talks of her condition and why...
Also, let's just put this out there, how about more robots?

Check out some classic bloopers from City of Heroes’ business model swap

The people behind City of Heroes were not actors, but Paragon Studios staff was very forward-facing and open with players. So when the team...
This sounded good until you started attacking my toolkit for some reason.

Black Desert promises Awakening weapons ‘quite soon after GamesCom’

In response to a player requesting hints about when Black Desert's Awakening weapon systems might drop, Kakao has dutifully produced a teaser. "Not next week,...
GOLD (gold)

Leaderboard: Is Black Desert destined for free-to-play in the west?

On this week's podcast, Justin and I discussed the general MMO blogger sentiment that Black Desert's recent business model drama -- specifically, the addition of...

Make My MMO: Project Gorgon plans early access, Dual Universe plans Kickstarter (August 13, 2016)

This week in MMO crowdfunding news, Project Gorgon announced that it's revving up for its Steam early access launch. Wipes (and nerfs) will continue...
Whoooo likes teleporting?

Project Gorgon aims for Steam early access ‘soon’

Starved for news concerning indie MMO Project Gorgon? Then prepare to gorge yourself silly on a new developer diary that stuffs so much info...

Kakao to Black Desert players: Chargebacks have consequences

Kakao is putting its foot down when it comes to Black Desert players' chargebacks -- that is, attempting to reverse payment for a product...

Superdata’s June report shows Overwatch, WoW still on top

Superdata's latest report on the worldwide digital games market is out, and Overwatch owned the month of June on PC, to no one's surprise,...

Kakao denies mass-banning on Black Desert forums

Black Desert players have been up in arms over several recently announced changes to the formerly buy-to-play game, including a de facto subscription and plan...

Make My MMO: The Star Citizen SOTA cross-promo (August 6, 2016)

Just off its big not-a-launch last month, Shroud of the Avatar has teamed up with Star Citizen for a wild cross-promotion that'll grant players...
Avec les hommes et le Pokey.

Five IPs that could tackle ARG gameplay features Pokemon Go lacks

Following the news that Niantic is now in fact working on a Harry Potter AR game, I realized that even as someone who enjoyed the...

Black Desert: Community uproar and analysts on Kakao

Black Desert forumgoers dug up an article in the Korea Herald from a few weeks ago that suggests publisher Kakao is using its games...

Massively Overthinking: One more chance for WoW Legion?

The World of Warcraft subreddit went nuts this week over a response to a player who told Blizzard that it had "one more chance... again"...

Black Desert players explode over plan to allow cash shop items on the in-game market

Did you hear that noise? It's the sound of Black Desert players flipping tables. "Game went from FFXIV to ArcheAge in span of 2...