classic mmo

Generally used to describe MMOs from before World of Warcraft’s launch in 2004, though sometimes shortened to describe just the first few MMOs launched prior to 2000.

Old School RuneScape adds solo Inferno dungeon and lava fishing

Old School RuneScape has gotten a fresh update this week, and it's going to do its best to kick your ass: with a lava-drenched...

Global Chat: Freaking out over Destiny 2

Ever since the Destiny 2 reveal, everyone seems to be freaking out about this follow-up MMO shooter. Will it be the new hotness or...

The Game Archaeologist: How Sceptre of Goth shaped the MMO industry

When it comes to text-based MMOs created in the '80s, '90s, and 2000s, the sheer number of them would blot out the sky. There...
All right. We have figured this out now.

The Daily Grind: Are there any MMOs you think are just too late to start playing?

I've been playing a lot of Ultima Online the past few weeks, but so many times I'll be doing something that is objectively tedious...

EverQuest’s new classic server has rough launch

If you're looking for the authentic classic MMO experience, shouldn't a rough launch be part of it? That's kind of the sour joke you...

Tamriel Infinium: An alternative approach to playing Elder Scrolls Online Morrowind

href="/tag/elder-scrolls-online/">Elder Scrolls Online chapter of Morrowind started this week. Unlike other times that we've streamed together when most of what we did was questing,...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 118: Crowfall breaks up the band

Justin and Bree discuss ESO Morrowind, Crowfall, Wild West Online, Destiny 2, Funcom financials, Star Citizen, SWTOR, Dreamfall Chapters, and Ultima Online, with a mailbag question on dating in MMOs.
Have a melon.

Improbable’s plan for rescuing the MMO genre from ‘nuclear winter’ involves a crapton of money

Improbable keeps popping up in news stories relating to MMOs lately -- that's thanks to SpatialOS, what the company is calling a "distributed computing...

RuneScape’s new slayer dungeon breaks all of the rules

Just because RuneScape's standard skill cap is set at 99 won't stop the team from busting through that ceiling when next month's expansion arrives. On...

Ultima Online fires employee over cheating scandal

You don't need to be a brand-new and modern MMORPG to suffer major cheating scandals, something the nearly 20-year-old Ultima Online has reminded us...

RuneScape’s Jagex is the latest MMORPG studio to employ Improbable’s SpatialOS

Add another gaming studio partnership to Improbable's file: RuneScape developer Jagex announced today that it's teamed up with the tech company to deploy SpatialOS...

Tamriel Infinium: Five things to do while waiting for Elder Scrolls Online’s Morrowind early access

I have always found this part of the development cycle to be the worst part. Right now, we are sitting at the point in...
Stop asking me what is best in life, I answered that.

Funcom Q1 2017 financials: ‘Most profitable quarter ever,’ Secret World Legends delayed on Steam

Conan Exiles performed beautifully for Funcom, at least during the first part of this year, the company's investor report for the first quarter revealed...

Jagex leaks ‘Next-Gen’ project slide; is it for RuneScape?

During a weekend stream of RuneScape, Jagex Community Manager Shaun "Shauny" Akerman appears to have let slip a logo for an unannounced Jagex project...

The MOP Up: Life is Feudal’s building sim (May 14, 2017)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

The Game Archaeologist: When Hellgate London got Flagshipped

It seems that it really wasn't too long ago that I was filling in the time between night classes by boning up on video...

Runescape Idle Adventures is shutting down on May 15

Remember Runescape: Idle Adventures? Probably not, which is probably a good part of the reason why the game is rather quietly shuttering its doors...

The Daily Grind: What’s the most painful bug you’ve ever encountered in an MMORPG?

I've been playing a bit of Ultima Online lately, and the other night as I was working on my skills, I remembered a horrible...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 116: Bree’s virtual garage sale

Justin and Bree discuss Ashes of Creation, Blizzard, Darkfall Rise of Agon, Guild Wars 2, Marvel Heroes, WildStar, Neverwinter, SWTOR, and Ultima Online, with a mailbag question on sandbox MMOs.

Leaderboard: What do you do with your stuff when you quit an MMORPG?

On today's podcast, Justin teased me for running a virtual yard sale as I attempt to clean out my house in Ultima Online. I'm...