cliffhanger productions

See: Shadowrun Online

Global Chat: You’re playing MMOs wrong

Have you ever lost your top when someone condescended to lecture you that you're playing MMORPGs wrong? You and Roger at Contains Moderate Peril...

Not So Massively: Destiny’s development woes (October 26, 2015)

Online gaming and e-sports are getting bigger by the day, and there are literally hundreds of popular online games out there that don’t really...

Not So Massively: Dota 2’s $18m main event, Hearthstone’s expansion

This week, third-person MOBA SMITE revealed its new support character Khepri, the ancient Egyptian scarab god. League of Legends pushed its HUD overhaul to...

Steam’s summer sale offers mad MMO deals [Updated Monday]

Prepare your wallets to go broke and your libraries to fill to the brim with games that you'll never have time to play, for...
There's a comment thread from the old Massively that no longer exists, but it would be priceless now.

Shadowrun Chronicles developer declares bankruptcy [Updated]

After several delays, Shadowrun Chronicles, the rebranded form of what was originally being developed as Shadowrun Online, launched on Steam a month ago. Now,...

Shadowrun Chronicles: Boston Lockdown launches today

After quite a while in early access testing and a significant name change that appears to have displaced much of the "online" component of...
Rebranding, that'll fix everything, it always does.

Shadowrun Online rebrands as Shadowrun Chronicles, aims for April release

Shadowrun Online isn't Shadowrun Online any longer. Hot on the heels of its announcement that it's secured a physical distributor, the game has rebranded...

Shadowrun Online lands physical distributor, adds February patch

Shadowrun Online's future prospects as a sustainable title have gone up sharply now that the game has found a physical distributor. Cliffhanger Productions signed...