
Fight or Kite: Backpack Battles puts your bag sorting skills to the test

After the dungeon has been cleared, the boss has been felled, and the zerg has been wiped out, the very next thing we all...

Choose My Adventure: Gleeful space truckin’ through Elite Dangerous

This is, for all intents and purposes, going to be a very simple, laid back, and perhaps obnoxiously serene edition of Choose My Adventure....

The Daily Grind: Which MMORPG has the best night experience?

One of the things that sets MMOs apart in my book is whether they have a diurnal cycle - and more importantly, whether that...

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s Arcadion brings the noise

There has been a question that has kind of been bubbling in the background of the entire premise behind Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail, and...

The Daily Grind: Which MMORPGs are low-key pay-to-win but somehow avoid criticism?

A thread on the MMORPG subreddit caught my eye a few weeks ago as the post author suggested that Albion Online was not only...

The Daily Grind: What’s your biggest self-inflicted annoyance in new MMORPG content?

I have a bad habit of judging myself based on my performance in brand-new content. This is, honestly, exceptionally silly and pointless. I'm not...

TennoCon 2024: Music, motorbikes, and romance make Warframe 1999

It's the 1990s! We've heard of snips and snails and puppy dog tails, and sugar and spice and everything nice. But what is Warframe...

TennoCon 2024: Soulframe’s creative customization and a preview of preludes

With how much I am looking forward to the launch of Soulframe, you better believe I was eagerly anticipating seeing and hearing more about...

LOTRO Legendarium: Is LOTRO’s early game too big and unwieldy?

As I was making some personal plans for my future adventures on Lord of the Rings Online's new legendary servers, I was really struck...

The Daily Grind: What parts of your MMO do you overthink?

While I do love how MMORPGs encourage my imagination, sometimes I find that thinking and analyzing a title too much can lead to unanswerable...
This plan sure worked!

WoW Factor: The mulligan problem in World of Warcraft’s narrative

In World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade, Illidan Stormrage gets killed. This isn't actually a surprising end for the character. Illidan as a person...

Settlers of Kalguur brings a massive melee overhaul and more to Path of Exile

Given such a major change incoming with Path of Exile's Settlers of Kalguur league, you'd be forgiven for wondering whether the rest of the...

The Daily Grind: What do you think about floating combat text in MMOs?

When Trove launched its Rising Tide update back in June, Gamigo's PR included a ton of screenshots, including several of a character with massive...

Path of Exile’s Settlers of Kalguur tackles real-time mechanics with city building

The Grinding Gear rooster has crowed, signifying the dawn of a new expansion and league. And what might they be? Welcome to Path of...

Vague Patch Notes: How widespread free-to-play impacted MMORPGs

In 2009, Dungeons & Dragons Online went free-to-play, which was a pretty big deal at the time. It was especially important to me, since...
I did a thing!

The Daily Grind: Which MMORPGs have you played with little hope for future content?

One of the neat things about City of Heroes Homecoming is that it is not a game bereft of updates or approaching content. No,...

Perfect Ten: Why World of Warcraft’s Legion was a top-tier expansion

While a lot of long-time World of Warcraft players will point to Wrath of the Lich King as the high point of the MMO,...

The Daily Grind: How would you design a space sim MMO be broadly appealing?

If you look at the whole of MMO history, you'd see an awful lot of space-themed games that never really made it big. There...

Choose My Adventure: Slipping back in to the simple pleasures of Elite Dangerous

Last week's original Choose My Adventure plans took a backseat to my Soapbox on Dawntrail, so thank you for bearing with me on that,...

Not So Massively: The problem with The First Descendant’s character unlock mechanics

The First Descendant has made quite a splash since it launched earlier this month. Nexon's looter shooter, dubbed "Warframe with waifus" by the greater...