EVE Evolved: Free-to-play PvP cruiser fitting guide
EVE Online's new free-to-play account option will be going live as part of an upcoming expansion this November, allowing new players to delve into the game and its...
The Game Archaeologist: The Island of Kesmai
It was the mid-'80s, and I was just a kid in love with his family's IBM PC. Not having a wealth of capital at...
WoW Factor: Assessing the zones of WoW Legion’s Broken Isles
I've now made my way through all of the zones in World of Warcraft: Legion twice. There's something to be written about that, which...
Chaos Theory: Tips for returning to The Secret World for Halloween
It's almost that time of year -- the best time of year! It's the most wonderful time of the year in fact, especially in...
Perfect Ten: The worst-squandered IPs in online gaming
There are always going to be differences in opinion about what should be done with an IP based upon a franchise. That's just natural....
Jukebox Heroes: The best of World of Warcraft Legion’s soundtrack
For soundtrack junkies such as myself, the release of a new World of Warcraft expansion is always extra-special for reasons that go beyond mere...
Tamriel Infinium: Why I’m sold on Elder Scrolls Online’s One Tamriel
It hasn't taken me long to fall in love with One Tamriel. This Elder Scrolls Online team has a distinct understanding of what makes this...
Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s unenhanced dungeons
One of the many things I like about Final Fantasy XIV is the fact that its scaling difficulties for dungeons don't simply mean more...
Guild Chat: Solving officer conflicts
Welcome along to another advice-packed edition of Guild Chat, the column in which I offer up my opinions on how best to solve a...
EverQuesting: Five EverQuest II features you may have forgotten
Use it or lose it. I may have learned that little gem in relation to skills and talents, but it applies to the world...
WoW Factor: Assessing WoW after two weeks of Legion
All right, so it's actually closer to a week and a half. I'm torn between an eye-rolling "it's only been a week and a...
Perfect Ten: Comparing Druids across MMORPGs
If I asked you what a Mage is in an MMORPG, what would you say? Some cloth-wearing gal who lugs around a long staff and flings...
Hyperspace Beacon: SWTOR’s bonus chapter wins because of story
As threatened, the Shroud is back and like you’ve never seen him before. Seriously, you’ve never seen the Shroud like this. Star Wars: The...
Jukebox Heroes: The best of WildStar’s soundtrack
I can't tell you how good it does my soul to see that WildStar has finally released an official soundtrack -- two, in fact,...
Flameseeker Chronicles: Thoughts on Guild Wars 2’s Ring of Fire episode reveal
We've been promised a whole list of newness for Episode 2 of Guild Wars 2's latest Living World season, which will be with us by...
Comparing American and Japanese Pokemon Go culture
My previous article on the culture of Japan's Pokemon Go scene was written before I'd experienced much of the American one to keep my explanations...
Wisdom of Nym: Myths and misconceptions about Final Fantasy XIV
One of my favorite parts of the Transformers Wiki - which is already wonderful - is the myths and misconceptions page. It's really well...
Chaos Theory: Is it possible to complete The Secret World’s Doomboard challenge? Maybe
When The Secret World’s devs teased the Doomboard, I was pretty excited. I was totally on board for getting that sweet ride even though...
Hyperspace Beacon: The Shroud of Star Wars The Old Republic
I’m going to hit you again with some lore this week from Star Wars: The Old Republic. However, I promise that there will be...
Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s next major patch preview arrives
The anniversary has arrived, and to no one's great surprise, we started hearing about the next big Final Fantasy XIV patch. The fact that...