
The Daily Grind: Do alternate and classic servers risk alienating existing MMO fans?

Back in December, Guild Wars 2 boss Josh Davis told fans that "alternate servers and hardcore modes aren’t a priority for ArenaNet," as the...
Meness and Ausrine, sittin' in a tree...

Not So Massively: Godsworn made me break my ‘no early access’ rule

I'm pretty blasé about most monetization in games, but there are a few things that I don't like, and charging for early access is...
See, not all things are the same.

Vague Patch Notes: Getting meta in MMORPGs

This week, MOP's Chris ran afoul of the MMO meta when he was going through New World. Only he... didn't, not really. He ran...

The Daily Grind: Have you ever backed an MMO kickstarter?

Back around the time when I first was getting my sea legs on Massively-that-was, donating to an MMO Kickstarter was basically a rite of...

Perfect Ten: The 10 types of MMO rotation

Rotations! They're not just just for your tires any more; they're in your MMORPGs, determining what order you should press the shiny buttons on...

The Daily Grind: What are the most intimidating bears in MMORPGs?

Last week I was in Montana to go fly fishing, and I was told that it was bear season. All the grizzlies and black...

Choose My Adventure: Battling New World tank builds, the wider meta, and personal stubbornness

New World is getting under my skin. I'll better explain myself soon, but before I do, I want to point out that this sudden frustration with...

Fight or Kite: Gigantic is a fantastic MOBA, but it’s missing a bit of Q and A and TLC

Over the last couple of months, I’ve been keeping a cursory eye on the development and release of Gigantic: Rampage Edition - another resurrected...
Bree's modded Oblivion game

The Daily Grind: What problematic MMO trends have you become inured to?

I was reading a review of a certain tiny MMO the other day when a line jumped out at me. The player was complaining...
Your manager says you should shut up.

Wisdom of Nym: Benchmarks, better graphics, and bountiful schedules for Final Fantasy XIV

What kind of deal does Final Fantasy XIV have with the Yo-Kai Watch people? For some reason this event keeps not just re-running but...

The Daily Grind: Do you have any embarrassing MMO-related habits?

I was having a laugh at myself the other day because I saw an ad for those little finger chopsticks - you know, those...
The scholar sees when you do not index things, and he is not impressed.

The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite weird MMO zone?

I do not know what the sixth zone in Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail will be, but I know it's going to be wild. The...

The Daily Grind: How long is an ideal boss fight in an MMORPG?

I tend to have a bone to pick with World of Warcraft's boss fights, which is a bit of an issue when there are...
Local Panda Recalls When She Was Special.

WoW Factor: What’s a Mists of Pandaria remix and why is World of Warcraft doing it?

In hindsight, I feel like I was gentler toward Season of Mastery than I should have been. World of Warcraft has turned everything into...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO dev deserves sainthood for putting up with us MMO players?

The other day, Justin and I were joking about the Allan "Orion" Maki interview that turned out to be a massive three-hour affair. Orion...
Hang on, I'm reading.

Into the Super-Verse: What to pick for your Incarnate powers in City of Heroes

Last week in Into the Super-Verse, I offered a quick explanation for how you can get started with the process of sorting out the...
It could be fantastic, at least.

The Daily Grind: What would your dream genre be for a non-fantasy MMORPG?

Fantasy, as a genre, is pretty thoroughly represented in games of all stripes. Video games, tabletop games, and so forth. What can you say?...

Perfect Ten: MMOs that earned a notorious reputation

Nobody wants a bad reputation. I mean, you can't make everyone everywhere approve of you, but you also don't have to go out of...

The Daily Grind: What percent of your MMO gaming should be combat?

MMO combat is fun. It is. I love trying out combat skills, grouping with friends to take down bosses, and hearing the sound of...

Not So Massively: Final Stand Ragnarok might be the seed of a fun game, but it was set up for failure

Not being a PvP fan, I haven't had much investment in the long and tortured saga of Camelot Unchained, but I am a fan...