Forget all of those other Massively OP awards you’ve seen cross your desktop for the past few weeks — we all know that there’s only one award post that truly means anything, and that’s the annual One Shots Awards! Our crack team of, uh, me pored over all of the posted screenshots from the last 51 weeks, screamed in despair that “there are so many of these,” and came up with the most notable entries to award with our website’s highest honors.
Thus we present to you the 2024 One Shots Awards. Did you win? Or do you get a participation trophy that looks suspiciously like leftover election flyers that I’m regifting to everyone this season? Find out below!
It’s the End of the World and I Feel Fine Award: Minimalistway, Revelation Online
If your game is getting shuttered and the moon is literally crashing down into the planet, you might as well have a front row seat to the chaos!
Group Illiteracy Award: Vincent, Final Fantasy XIV
To be fair, they don’t teach anything in these schools other than fighting with seven-foot swordguns.
The Highest Warp Factor Award: Sleepy, Star Trek Online
Space, the most beautiful and shadowy frontier. These are the voyages of a game that deserves a whole lot better than it’s getting right now.
This Picture Broke My Brain Award: Katriana, Guild Wars 2
It’s like a Trapper Keeper and Lisa Frank got together to mosh.
I Could Walk But Floating’s Cooler Award: Utakata, DC Universe Online
Honestly, this power would come in super-handy when the ground is all icy and slippery. Probably because she made it that way.
Silhouette of the Year Award: The Lurker, Nightingale
I can’t decide if this is totally awesome or if it’s the last thing I see in my waking nightmare.
All Dogs Go To Lava Award: Colin, Lord of the Rings Online
Fetch the One Ring, Sparky! Fetch! Stop being on fire, dog!
My Hot Tub Is Bigger Than Yours Award: Elenie, Elder Scrolls Online
Enough room for you and your 5,000 closest friends.
Safety Measures Disengaged Award: Hikari, Star Wars: The Old Republic
Maybe you could scoot a little more forward into the kill zone there as you go 450 kph?
Best Use of Underground Space: Greaterdivinity, Guild Wars 2
Ambient lighting provided by Pier One. Decorations were donated by Bed Bath and Beyond.
Most Cyberpunky Neptune: Little Bugbear, Destiny 2
But can we squeeze in more purples, pinks, and oranges? I think we can.
Even Bad Guys Have Their Happy Place Award: Doiley101, Last Epoch
I now promote you — drumroll please — to Doiley102. You deserve it!
All the Mushrooms Award: R00ch, Elder Scrolls Online
After all, I’m a fungi!
Most Ostentatious and Caffeinated Mount: William, World of Warcraft
Many Mountain Dew cans were chugged for this bike’s survival.
Slipping With Style Award: RimaHadley, Final Fantasy XIV
When they don’t put a “Slippery When Wet” sign out, you might as well get a screenshot from it.
And that’s it! Thanks to everyone — seriously, everyone — who posted pictures this year, and I look forward to seeing your screenshot adventures in 2025!