
Trans rights city.

Wisdom of Nym: The highs and lows of Final Fantasy XIV’s 2024 Tokyo fan festival

There's a certain dramatic irony in the idea that as the Tokyo fan festival started winding up the Final Fantasy XIV: Dawntrail hype, the...

The Daily Grind: What’s the most expensive MMO to play at the start of 2024?

I realize that "expensive" is a subjective term, but that's what Daily Grinds are all about, right? If a game is charging $100 for...
Tales of loss, and fire, and faith.

The Daily Grind: What is your favorite piece of MMO memorabilia?

Square-Enix always offers some swag to media when we do our preview tour of the next Final Fantasy XIV expansion, but the Endwalker one...
There is another shore, you know.

Final Fantasy XIV Tokyo Fan Festival: Pictomancer, lady Hrothgar, and release ambiguity

If you had been paying attention and looking forward to Final Fantasy XIV's third and final fan festival ahead of Dawntrail, you probably had...

The Game Archaeologist: The Sims Bustin’ Out, the online Sims game nobody remembers

Many gamers who complete that Venn diagram of being fans of both MMOs and The Sims no doubt will be familiar with the tragically...

The Daily Grind: Have you ever been an ambassador in your MMO?

One of my 2024 resolutions is to push myself out of my comfort zone and enjoy some more diverse MMO gaming. To this, I...

Not So Massively: It’s okay that Redfall is just okay

I rarely let myself get too hyped for unreleased games, but I was keeping one eye on the vampire-hunting online FPS Redfall. When it...

Into the Super-Verse: Reflecting on City of Heroes, back officially at long last

As a dedicated fan of superheroes, I have to be honest that yesterday's news feels downright poetic. City of Heroes died in November of...

MassivelyOP’s complete 2023 awards recap and debrief

As we did in 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021, and 2022, today we're going to recap our annual awards and other articles from...

The Daily Grind: Now that NCsoft has licensed City of Heroes servers, will you go back to play?

When the City of Heroes rogue servers first went public back in 2019, a lot of MMO players were very vocal about not wanting...

Working As Intended: The MMOs we lost in 2023

If preserving MMORPGs is your jam, 2023 was not a great year. The one nice thing I can say about it is that we...
The look.

Vague Patch Notes: MMOs are still just games you rent

When I was a teenager, I accidentally stole a few games from a video rental place. You might wonder how you accidentally steal something,...

The Daily Grind: What customization option do you wish your main MMO had?

When I first started working at Massively-that-was, it seemed downright luxurious to me that Lord of the Rings Online let you choose what your...

Well Fed: An introduction to our MMO kitchen and MOP’s new Well Fed column

Hello fellow MMORPG lovers and food enjoyers alike! Welcome to Well Fed! If you listened to the end-of-year podcast from Bree and Justin, you...

End-of-Year Eleven: All the upcoming MMOs to watch in 2024 and beyond

We've said it before, but this time we really mean it: The future of MMORPGs looks amazing. Contrary to years when we've seen only...

Progress Bar: Another go-round with cozy ‘MMO’ Palia, this time on the Switch

I'm not much of a console player in general. The controller has always felt limiting to me, especially when compared with the precision of...

The Daily Grind: How many hours do you play MMOs every week?

Today's question shouldn't be too difficult, unless you flunked out of basic maths a long time ago. How many hours do you play MMOs...

Choose My Adventure: Villagers & Heroes starts off feeling like a different game

I admit that it's been a very long time since I had played Villagers & Heroes - since 2020, to be exact - but...

Wisdom of Nym: What Final Fantasy XIV’s fan festival needs to accomplish

In just a few days, the last fan festival for Final Fantasy XIV's upcoming Dawntrail expansion will kick off, and on paper it looks...

The Daily Grind: Will you Kickstart any MMOs in 2024?

Hello friends. It's me, your mom, and the answer to today's Daily Grind question should be no, and I shouldn't even need to write...