
Choose My Adventure: Some classic mission running in the City of Heroes Rebirth rogue server

So yes, it would appear that missions are indeed the most rewarding thing to do in City of Heroes: Rebirth. That would probably be the...

Tamriel Infinium: Elder Scrolls Online has a real enthusiasm problem

Looking around the MMORPG community, you may not even be aware that Elder Scrolls Online has less than a month until its newest expansion,...

Not So Massively: First impressions of V Rising, launching into early access today

I'm still searching for a survival game that fits me. I enjoy a lot of the survival experience, but the games as a whole...

The Daily Grind: Are you playing a ‘morally disengaged murder hobo’ in MMOs?

The Psychology of Video Games podcast recently did a bit on "murder hobos," and yes, Dr Jamie Madigan does point out that the term...
So... we cool, huh? We cool?

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV and the grim specter of continuity lockout

This particular column was inspired by a question by regular reader, commenter, and friend to man and beast alike Scott Leyes, who originally posed...

Fight or Kite: New World’s PvP is a failure for casual gamers

It's been a little over half a year since New World officially launched, and in that time we’ve seen a fair number of changes...

The Daily Grind: What’s the most annoying sound in an MMO?

OK, I realize I am very late to this party, but I just figured out a few weeks ago that Lord of the Rings...

EVE Fanfest 2022: CCP delivered free food to EVE Online players waylaid by the Fanfest COVID outbreak

It's been over a week since EVE Online players from around the world met up in Reyjkavik, Iceland, for EVE Fanfest 2022, the first...
Jupiter, jupiter!

The Daily Grind: What are your main areas of focus when you play an MMORPG?

It's probably not a surprise to anyone reading this that I really like stories in MMOs. They're important to me. And if you've read...

The Daily Grind: What are some of your favorite go-to emotes in MMORPGs?

I love to faint. Not in real life, as that would freak me out a bit, but in Lord of the Rings Online. It's...

Massively on the GO: Talking MMOARGs with Orna’s lead dev

We've talked a bit about Orna: The GPS RPG a few times here in the Massively on the Go column, as this indie game helps...

Storyboard: The fatal flaw of overreaching villain plans in MMOs plotlines

So the other day, a friend and I were talking about villainous schemes in MMO storylines. Specifically, we were talking about why World of...

The Daily Grind: Are you sick of crypto and NFT crap in MMOs?

Yesterday, our genre's core subreddit floated a poll to subbers about whether or not crypto and NFT game threads should be characterized as scammy...
A journey already taken.

WoW Factor: Excitement and trepidation about World of Warcraft bringing back talent trees

So you probably don't need me to tell you at this point that I'm looking forward to having talent trees back in World of...
Flap flap fire fire.

The Daily Grind: How much do you trust player-based analyses of MMO playerbases?

There was a time when World of Warcraft would reliably tell press and players just how many people were playing the game at any...
no mad lizert

Perfect Ten: The many-colored dragon rainbow of the MMO sphere

Dragons are ubiquitous. When I wrote a Perfect Ten describing every single MMO bestiary, I noted that no matter what game you're playing, no...

The Daily Grind: Are there any MMO bestial races you wish you could play?

Yes, Embers Adrift, I would totally play as a war gecko if I had half the chance. Forget your weird emo obsession with darkness;...

Choose My Adventure: My life as a Guardian in City of Heroes Rebirth

Can the introduction of a completely different class change the entire makeup of an MMO’s experience? That is often the bet pushed forward by...

EVE Fanfest 2022: All the major EVE Online announcements from Fanfest

It's safe to say that EVE Fanfest 2022 was very much a social event first and a game event second, with fewer concrete announcements...

The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite healing style in an MMO?

If I could only pick one healing style forever in an MMO, it's anything that hooks me up with a Grid-like healing tool. That...