combat mechanics


Perfect Ten: A primer on 10 very basic MMO fight mechanics

When the first two humans decided to get into a fight, they were just pushing one another and telling the other person to quit...
are you candy

Dauntless would like to ‘axe’ you about your weapon choice

If you're carrying around an axe in Dauntless, you want to be the kind of fighter who waits for the perfect moment before hacking...

Ship of Heroes shows off the new combat features for its upcoming alpha test

It's not really a superhero game unless you're fighting someone or something, right? So Ship of Heroes has a certain obligation to give you...
hooray sorta

The Daily Grind: Which MMOs have the best combat feedback?

I'm quite fond of 20XX, but I really hate the upgrades you can pick up in the game that eliminate hit stun. Sure, it...
But not quite so much.

The Daily Grind: What MMO would you like with a different game’s combat engine?

There are things I really like about The Secret World; the combat has never been one of them. However, if I could somehow mix...
There's... yeah, there's a lot.

The Daily Grind: How complex should playing an MMORPG character be?

I am downright out of room in Final Fantasy XIV. My characters have two sets of action bars packed to the gills along with...
This is not a perfectly black screenshot, we promise.

Saga of Lucimia explores the depths of darkness

Vision is something we sort of take for granted when it comes to video games. We assume that if we can't see something, there's...
You only think this is fair because you're winning.

Gloria Victis further balances combat while improving account management

The last patch for Gloria Victis focused on combat balance, and this patch does too. Adjustments for player HP, passive abilities, and weapon damage...
Somehow I don't think that's going to be a problem.

The Repopulation patches in combat improvements, sets the stage for sieges

Are you not currently part of the The Repopulation's testing but want to check out the game? Good news: You will be able to...
Well, good hustle.

Camelot Unchained newsletter discusses combat philosophy and developer status

The Camelot Unchained test phases had to be delayed, and that means that the latest newsletter for the game is in an odd place,...
A wreck of our ambition

The Repopulation tweaks combat and building in its latest patch

Launch rushes onward toward The Repopulation like... some sort of extremely fast launch-related thing. The metaphor isn't perfect. Neither is the game's combat system,...
Try to fly better than this.

Hands-on: Blade & Soul’s western port is a cheerful cliche storm (and I want to play more)

I spent a ridiculous amount of time playing Blade & Soul just moving around. Most of the time in a given game, I'm moving around because...
It's like overhead WildStar.

Das Tal demos skill-based combat and posts Kickstarter FAQ

What does skill-based combat mean to you? We can't tell you that, but we can tell you what it means to the makers of...
This could be fun by itself, too.

Everything you need to know about Crowfall’s combat testing

As nifty as Crowfall's mechanical goals are, they're not going to help the game much in the long run if the fundamental combat engine...