community discussion

You didn't say no punch.

The Daily Grind: Are you a completionist in MMOs?

As I level up my many jobs on my main in Final Fantasy XIV, I feel compelled to take on all of the sidequests...

The Daily Grind: What is the best MMO dragon of all time?

Let's throw down today and have an all-out brawl in the comments, shall we? That should keep Bree busy for a few hours at...

The Daily Grind: Are you a fan of ‘automatic helping behaviors’ in MMORPGs?

We've been complaining about lockboxes a lot lately as an unwelcome psychological trick in gaming, so this morning, I wanted to talk about a...
Look in my eyes, what do you see? Creative bankruptcy.

The Daily Grind: Do you grade MMO studios on a curve?

Here's a non-surprise that came out of a discussion between Bree and me: We totally grade MMO studios on a curve. That curve is...
Be the first on your streetj to give us money!

The Daily Grind: What PvP MMO would you play if it were PvE only?

Depending on where you're sitting, we are either in an age of PvP sandboxes everywhere or starving for games with well-organized and meaningful PvP...

The Daily Grind: Why does EVE survive where other PvP sandboxes stumble?

MOP reader Tobasco da Gama pointed us to a recent Reddit thread about why EVE Online persists, even in a weakened state, where other...

The Daily Grind: Is there MMORPG lingo that you just cannot stand?

In past articles, we've coined some MMO terminology neologisms and expressed confusion over obscure MMO slang, but it's been a while since we talked...
just come back

The Daily Grind: Which MMOs do the best job with patch notes?

To the surprise of no one, working here involves reading lots of patch notes. Some games do a better job with this than others....

The Daily Grind: Do you have a hard time connecting with isometric MMOs?

Let's talk perspective today. No, not your general outlook on life -- which I'm sure is cheery and as non-cynical as can be --...

The Daily Grind: Do veteran gamers help or hurt MMOs?

You may recall that just yesterday, Justin was asking whether dinosaurs help or hurt MMOs. When I first saw the topic, though, my assumption...

The Daily Grind: Do dinosaurs help or hurt your immersion in MMOs?

My kids, being of a younger age, tend to find dinosaurs pretty darn awesome. They went bananas the other day when they saw a...

The Daily Grind: Is there a ‘youth’ stigma in online gaming?

A couple of nights ago, my husband was playing Overwatch when I heard a pair of high-pitched voices coming across his headset. "Oh cool,...
We all live in a potentially messy world.

The Daily Grind: How much do aesthetics impact your playstyle choices in an MMO?

How your character looks affects your enjoyment of an MMO. This is almost a tautology; you spent time in the character creator, obviously, so...

The Daily Grind: Which NPC would you like to see more of in your MMO?

I think I speak for a majority of Secret World veterans when I say that we need 100% more Hayden Montag in this MMO....

The Daily Grind: Which two MMOs should totally hook up?

Yeah, we're shipping MMOs today, giving new meaning to the Daily Grind! MOP reader Leiloni recently pointed us to an old but still relevant...
Oh dear.

The Daily Grind: What would an old MMO have to do to win you back?

Something odd hit me recently. As I was sitting and planning my MMO play schedules, I realized that whatever announcements about expansions we get...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO would you like to (re)visit before the end of the year?

Every time we come around to fall, it hits me that we're on the downhill slide to the year's end. Fewer months are left...

The Daily Grind: Where do you stand on the Fortnite-vs.-PUBG feud?

Ever since Bluehole threw down a gauntlet at Epic's feet over the similarities between PUBG and Fortnite's battle royale mode - or more specifically,...

The Daily Grind: Should MMOs get rid of levels?

I would like to say that when I was a kid playing my first MMORPGs, I was impervious to the grind, that I embraced...

The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite small act of kindness from a stranger in an MMO?

At one point in Final Fantasy XI, I was stuck in Ordelle's Caves. A friend had been helping me get my RSE deep within...