community discussion

I want a new... arsenal.

The Daily Grind: Do you play MMOs contrary to their design?

If you play Final Fantasy XIV, you know that it is not a game that rewards players for playing multiple characters. Quite the opposite, in...

The Daily Grind: Would you want to play Fallout Online?

With Fallout 4's release this week, plenty of gamers have gone back into the wasteland with savage glee. I will be among that throng,...

The Daily Grind: Is an MMORPG still an MMORPG without gear progression?

A Massively OP commenter recently opined that "without gear progression, is a MOBA not an MMORPG," and I would really love to talk...

The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite LOTRO zone?

I'm back in Lord of the Rings Online this week, and though I'm still working my way through western Gondor at the moment, I...

The Daily Grind: What do you look for in a sandbox MMO?

Sandbox lovers must be in heaven lately with so many new choices arising in MMO circles. It seems as though most of the newer...

The Daily Grind: Did BlizzCon make you want to resub to WoW?

It's a running joke among MMO players that BlizzCon is bad for our wallets, not because we overindulge in murloc plushies but because resisting...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO have you played the most?

I updated Lord of the Rings Online over the weekend, and as I was looking at the game in my Steam list, I was...

The Daily Grind: Did BlizzCon deliver on your expectations?

It's not exactly a stretch to say that Blizzard Entertainment casts a long shadow over the field of online gaming. World of Warcraft remains...

The Daily Grind: How do you feel about solo boss fights in MMOs?

I've been having a blast going through Star Wars: The Old Republic's new expansion, soaking in all of the great story beats and locales....

The Daily Grind: What are your hopes for BlizzCon 2015?

BlizzCon 2015 begins later today, and I have to admit that I'm nervous. Hearthstone, Overwatch, and Heroes of the Storm aren't exactly my cup...

The Daily Grind: What feature do you wish MMO devs would stop implementing?

There are few things in this life that I'm sure about, but one of them is the fact that I can't freaking stand MMO...

The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite MMO starter zone?

A lot of love and attention is poured into beginning zones by developers. After all, these are players' first steps into your world, so...
EverQuest II

The Daily Grind: What’s the healthiest living MMO?

Back in June, Massively OP's Justin Olivetti wrote an article listing what he considered the 10 healthiest MMOs, a subject that quickly proved controversial,...

The Daily Grind: Do you care about spoilers or surprises in MMOs?

My friends and I were debating the merits of spoilers the other day, and I came to realize that as per usual, I was...
I'm using the term loosely here, you understand.

The Daily Grind: Which MMOs can you just not stop thinking about?

You know what game I keep thinking about playing again recently? TERA. I cannot tell you why, aside from the fact that it's stuck...

The Daily Grind: Have you ever been in a relationship with someone you met through MMOs?

A week ago, a Reddit user posted a casting call for a new reality show that will attempt to follow romantic relationships formed inside...

The Daily Grind: Will you play Worlds Adrift?

Worlds Adrift is one of those titles that gets more fascinating the more I follow it. Initially I was put off by the open PvP,...

The Daily Grind: Do you think Blizzard will ever make another MMO?

So Overwatch is now in closed beta, which I imagine excites some people immensely. Any Blizzard product has that effect, I've noticed. But when...

The Daily Grind: Do you prefer soloing or grouping in MMORPGs?

As we belatedly covered yesterday, the developers of upcoming indie MMO Saga of Lucimia believe that group-centric play is the solution to a problem supposedly created by the...

The Daily Grind: What’s the best early access MMO you’ve played?

I'm afraid that early access is here to stay, and as I look over the icons on my desktop and the entries on my...