
Preview: Dauntless’ Reforged update brings new gameplay, new potential, and unanswered questions

As we’ve been covering over the past few weeks, Dauntless is going to be shaking up the basic way to play and progress with...

The Daily Grind: What features from single-player games would you like to see in MMOs?

Let's be honest: Sometimes we might play games other than MMOs. Treason, I know, but that's also what's called being "well-rounded" and "a gamer...
Oh look,

Massively OP Podcast Episode 299: Out of the Shadowlands and into the light

Eliot joins Justin and Bree to discuss World of Warcraft: Shadowlands' launch, Fallout 76's surprise patch, FFXIV's next patch, and TERA's console crossplay, with a Daily Grind Blitz to lead us in, plus mailbag topics on remaking older MMOs and storylines that wreck your roleplay.

The Daily Grind: Which IP should never, ever be turned into an MMO?

Oh please please please don't ruin Farscape with a badly done MMO. I don't think there's any danger of this, I hasten to point out....

PSA: Remnant From the Ashes releases its complete edition with both DLCs packed in

If you were curious about Remnant: From the Ashes after reading our brief jaunt through the game in Choose My Adventure (and were able...
All right, the Lopp have some chops here too.

WildStar’s devs and fans love on the game two years after its demise

This past weekend saw a special and sad date for WildStar fans, as November 28th marked the two-year anniversary of the game's closure. Some...

Destiny 2 narrative designer confirms a gay relationship between two of the game’s NPCs

For players of Destiny 2 that have been paying attention to a number of narrative clues, this information is likely nothing more than a...

The Daily Grind: Do you actually like noob zones in MMORPGs?

I think there's a widespread grumpiness for MMORPG tutorials. Either they're so pointless and easy that you're bored, or they deluge you with too...

Starbase showcases development updates and impressive player creations

This week in Starbase has been yet another busy one in terms of progress, as the latest forum post points to a variety of...

The MOP Up: Shadow Arena pings instead of pongs

Pearl Abyss' Shadow Arena got a lot more friendly this past month thanks to an improved ping system and the addition of login rewards. "The...

One Shots: The life of fish people

Indentured servitude is something that Final Fantasy XIV likes to introduce to its players, such as poor Scott, who discovered that he's in for...

The Daily Grind: What’s the best method for delivering MMO quests?

I have long held that among the many (many) things World of Warcraft codified in the big book of MMORPG "rules" is the quest...

Destiny 2 further delays Trials of Osiris as invisibility exploit runs rampant

One of Destiny 2's most popular event modes has been conspicuously absent ever since the online shooter released its Beyond Light expansion earlier this...

Global Chat: Shadowlands impressions from the community

With one of this year's biggest releases out this week, we've taken to the mean streets of Blogtown to see what MMO gamers are...
You know who is what here.

Hearthstone’s community is in open revolt over the new reward system

It's been an ugly month in Hearthstone's neck of the woods -- and it's only getting worse. Community outcry over what it's seeing as...

WRUP: Reasons you should not punch a goat edition

Goats are our friends. Goats provide milk which may be turned into soft and delicious cheeses. It's really more unusual to think of...

The Daily Grind: Is RuneScape part of your MMO gaming history?

Several times on the podcast we've marveled at how there is this bizarre disconnect between the apparent huge popularity of RuneScape and how little...

Whatever happened to Darkfall’s Rise of Agon and New Dawn?

Hey, whatever did happen to those Darkfall community spin-offs? It has been a while since we've touched base with these dueling projects, so let's...

The Daily Grind: Do server merges make you worried about an MMO’s health?

I've been covering the MMORPG genre professionally for well over 10 years now, and a whole lot has changed in that timespan, including the...
I'm on a boat.

Atlas answers community questions about future plans for trade, ships, sea content, and the claim system

With no patch for Atlas arriving this week, the devs at Grapeshot Games have taken the opportunity to answer some player questions about what's...