
Roblox takes down popular Pokemon-themed MMO

One of the big dangers of granting content creation tools to the community -- especially in a game that swings some game revenue back...

World of Warcraft’s new communities system aims to bring players together in Battle for Azeroth

Among the various features and additions coming with World of Warcraft: Battle for Azeroth this summer, communities has gotten buried in all of the...

VR-based ARK Park has patched in free locomotion and better tutorials

How's virtual reality dino land ARK Park doing since its early access launch one month ago? Magic 8 Ball says reply hazy. Steam's aggregated...

EVE Fanfest 2018: CCP Falcon on EVE’s community team layoffs and having Hilmar as a CEO

It's safe to say that it's been a rough year for CCP Games, with the company pulling out of VR game development and laying...
In living color.

Final Fantasy XIV invites the community to design physical DPS gear

Thus far, Final Fantasy XIV has run three gear design competitions for the community, inviting players to design gear for tanks, healers, and magical...

The Daily Grind: How much MMO game info should be hidden from the players?

A blog post on The Psychology of Video Games blog a few weeks ago seems relevant to our interests: It explores the "pleasure paradox," which...

One Shots: Tour guides

It turns out that MMORPG players really don't need much prompting to go out and take a bazillion screenshots of their favorite in-game zones,...

EVE Online gives love to planetary interaction, looks back at an all-female pirate gang

Creating and maintaining planetary colonies in EVE Online isn't exactly new, as the system dates back to 2010. But the developers have deemed it...
why is that the picture omg

WRUP: I overslept and my office is filled with firewood edition

Ah, Saturday, you noble day when I basically forget about time. Nothing I have to do today. Nothing much, anyway. I should check out...

The Daily Grind: What was the most disappointing MMO expansion of all time?

Best and worst, top and bottom: It's fun to discuss video game in absolute extremes (at times). And I'll bet that a lot of...

Choose My Adventure: And now, Ultima Online, sooner or later

Oh boy. So, yes, I did actually play some Ultima Online. Or I tried to play some Ultima Online, at least. I'm not sure that...

Star Citizen deep-dives the guts and glory of the character customization system

Cloud Imperium Narrative Director Dave Haddock joins the Around the Verse crew for this week's episode of the Star Citizen community video. The majority...
Who's your daddy? People will ask. Be sure you know.

Final Fantasy XIV releases its next patch site and its Live Letter digest

Players are crucial to the reconstruction of Doma in Final Fantasy XIV, so it's only right that the next leg of the game's main...

The Daily Grind: What keeps you logging into MMORPGs over a long period of time?

Earlier this month, Pantheon's community team tweeted out a question that keeps coming back to me: "What motivates you to play an MMORPG for...

Massively Overthinking: What we really mean when we talk about ‘difficulty’ in MMORPGs

Massively OP reader Steve wants us to revisit the Daily Grind on making death more meaningful without making it more annoying. His letter was long, so...

Hyperspace Beacon: Five things Star Wars The Old Republic still does well

I have been harping on so many things that BioWare is doing wrong with Star Wars: The Old Republic that some have wondered why...

The Daily Grind: What could MMO taverns do to get you to stick around?

I have vague memories of ArenaNet talking about Guild Wars 2 taverns prior to its launch and how these spaces would be more than...

EVE Fanfest 2018: Andrew Groen on the sequel to his popular EVE Online history book

One of the most common comments you'll see in articles about big events in EVE Online is that it's a lot more entertaining to...

The Daily Grind: Which MMO has the dumbest armor?

Back in February, PC Gamer put out a piece on the absolute dumbest character armor in gaming history. There's more than one MMORPG in...

Next year’s EVE Fanfest won’t be in Iceland, obviating your efforts to properly spell Reykjavik

Last autumn, when CCP Games began dumping assets and studios and VR holdings overboard, it also sent almost all of its EVE Online community...