cryptic studios

A PWE studio known primarily for Star Trek Online, Neverwinter, and Champions Online.

Ah yes, teamwork.

Star Trek Online plans to improve performance with more elegant math

If you aren't super interested in reading detailed technical breakdowns of changes to game clients, you can just accept that Star Trek Online's developers...
look out it is a vortex

Star Trek Online discusses graphical upgrades for its console launch

The graphics could be better in Star Trek Online. That's not really a value judgement; the game has been out for six years now,...

Champions Online begins Nightmare Invasion event

Champions Online has just kicked off a new Nightmare Invasion event for teams of 3 to 5 superheroes over level 10. "Strange otherworldly creatures have...

Perfect Ten: My highlights from pre-launch MMO hype

Maybe the hype and anticipation of an upcoming MMORPG leaves you feeling burned out and turned off these days. Considering that some titles can...

The Daily Grind: Do big MMO announcements get you to come back?

I hate the thought that I'm a wishy-washy gamer, easily influenced by big PR announcements and current trends, but I'd be lying if I...
How are you this way.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 65: Make yourself at home

Justin and Bree discuss Gigantic, NCsoft, WildStar, KingsIsle, Star Trek Online, Legion, and Crowfall, plus a mailbag question on media embargoes.
I'm sprcl.

An innocent NPC may allude to future crossovers for Star Trek Online

Look at the guy in that image right there. He's just some dude, right? Just a nameless NPC in Star Trek Online, offering no...

One Shots: You put a spell on me

One of the very few MMORPGs that my wife and I ever played together was Wizard101, and I think most of that time involved...

Neverwinter weathers a new siege from the Cult of the Dragon

One can only speculate about why anyone lives in the city of Neverwinter. However multicultural the place might be, you would think that the...

Star Trek Online is launching on consoles this fall

The big announcements for Star Trek Online keep arriving. Last week it was the reveal of the Agents of Yesterday expansion; this week it's...

The Stream Team: Nab a Neverwinter boar mount key for Xbox One

Did you miss your chance at an Xbox One exclusive boar mount for Neverwinter during MOP's giveaway last week? Well, now you have another...

Chekov joins Star Trek Online in Agents of Yesterday

Over the years, Star Trek Online has become a high school reunion of sorts for actors from the movies and various series. One of...

Examining the skills and missions of Elder Scrolls Online’s Dark Brotherhood DLC

So let's say you're planning on joining the Dark Brotherhood once The Elder Scrolls Online's next DLC launches. How, exactly, do you plan on...

Perfect World will publish Motiga’s MOBA Gigantic

Perfect World has just announced that it will be publishing Gigantic, Motiga's upcoming MOBA. "This partnership with Perfect World Entertainment expands the game’s reach, allowing...

Seventeen things you need to know about Star Trek Online: Agents of Yesterday

If you felt the flames of love for the original Star Trek series stoked by last week's announcement of Star Trek Online: Agents of...
To return where others have gone before, but not like this.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 64: To boldly return

Justin and Bree discuss Star Trek Online, Chronicles of Elyria, Marvel Heroes, WildStar, TERA, and LOTRO, plus a mailbag question on metacritic for MMOs.
Pictured: prime universe uniforms.

Scotty joins Star Trek Online’s Agents of Yesterday expansion

Montgomery Scott casts a long shadow over pop culture in general; if you've ever played a game in which the engineer spoke with a...
happy birthday to me

The Daily Grind: What do you think about NPC party members in MMORPGs?

I've been thinking a lot about classic Guild Wars lately -- the anniversary always does this to me. And one of my favorite parts...

Star Trek Online’s tale of two Leetas

If Star Trek has taught us anything, it's that midriffs and goatees signify that you're from an evil parallel universe -- and that more...

Giant monsters smash Champions Online, heroes smash back

Sure, you expect nasty things to come out of a place called Monster Island, but Canada? Why are you getting in on the act...