See: The Daily Grind
daily grind
The Daily Grind: What’s your ideal ‘retirement’ MMORPG?
Wednesday, my husband and I were chatting about the big stories of the day, including the Star Citizen piece that racked up a bajillion...
The Daily Grind: What simple tasks does your favorite MMO make unnecessarily difficult?
For the longest time, logging out of Final Fantasy XI was something of a nightmare. First, you had to get to a mog room,...
The Daily Grind: How death-prone are you in MMOs?
Do you find yourself faceplanting a lot in MMOs? Do you measure your lifespan during a boss fight in mere seconds? Or are you...
The Daily Grind: Which MMORPG is the worst for duos?
As I've been playing Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind the past week or two, my husband has been watching me from the depths of his...
The Daily Grind: Which MMO IP should Disney themeparkify next?
Following Disney's announcement of the Star Wars Hotel in the Galaxy’s Edge Disney subpark this weekend, my MMO guildies were joking about using the location...
The Daily Grind: Have you ever fallen for an MMO after giving it a second chance?
It's no secret that there are a lot of games out there I fell for on my first try (Final Fantasy XI, World of...
The Daily Grind: What’s the most interesting MMO city to explore?
There's a line drawn between MMO cities that mostly exist as empty set pieces and ones that live and thrive with NPCs, details, and...
The Daily Grind: What’s the worst minigame in an MMORPG?
Sure, Gems is up there for obnoxious MMO minigames, but for me? It's Polymock.
I had almost forgotten Polymock existed until a WoodenPotatoes video put...
The Daily Grind: How much of your gaming budget is spent on MMOs?
There was a time in my life when my budget consisted of two basic line items - things I needed for survival and video...
The Daily Grind: What MMORPG would do better with a different business model?
When it comes to ArcheAge, it's generally accepted that this is a pretty great fantasy sandbox that was absolutely sunk by a terrible business...
The Daily Grind: How long does it take you to know an MMO’s not for you?
During my long car trips a few weeks back, I filled some of my hours in the passenger seat testing mobile games. Ahead of...
The Daily Grind: How do you solve a problem like Maria (in MMOs)?
OK, so there's no Maria, but I'm pretty sure everyone has that one guildie who is basically a goofball, screw-around, flibbertigibbet Leeroy. And yes...
The Daily Grind: Do veteran rewards make you more likely to subscribe to an MMO?
I believe I've gone on the record before as saying I rather like veteran rewards. It's nice to know that subscribing to Final Fantasy...
The Daily Grind: How do you handle interest in multiple MMOs?
Friends and readers know that I have a serious issue with being overwhelmed in all of the MMORPG options out there. I keep wanting...
The Daily Grind: How would you define an MMO gankbox?
A couple of weeks ago, our own Justin wrote a Daily Grind wherein he suggested that EVE Online was a gankbox, earning him some argument...
The Daily Grind: When do you know it’s time to stop playing an MMO?
It's possible I just haven't played a large enough number of MMOs, but I'm relatively certain that there are no games which pop up...
The Daily Grind: How often should MMOs release new classes?
Some MMOs seem to have no problem with tossing in new classes like candy, while others might see an addition roughly every time Halley's...
The Daily Grind: What kind of MMO achiever are you?
Yesterday's post on Richard Bartle's new unplayer matrix got me thinking once again about my quibbles with the original Bartle quotient, which won't surprise...
The Daily Grind: Which MMORPG craft skills can you do in real life?
I've just gotten back from a family trip during which I bumped into various family members with some interesting craft skills, from gardening to jewelcrafting...
The Daily Grind: If you could reboot any currently operating MMO, which one would you pick?
It probably won't surprise you to know that we spend a lot of time in work chat behind the scenes of Massively Overpowered discussing...