daybreak game company

Daybreak Game Company, colloquially known as just Daybreak, is what remains of the formerly Sony-owned studio SOE. The company was renamed following its purchase by investment firm Columbus Nova in early 2015. It is known best for the EverQuest and PlanetSide franchises, as well as Star Wars Galaxies, DC Universe Online, H1Z1, Vanguard, Dragon’s Prophet, The Matrix Online, Free Realms, and Clone Wars Adventures.

The Game Archaeologist: Ultima X Odyssey

I think any MMO veteran has a private list of prematurely canceled games that he or she deeply wishes had been completed and launched....

Massively OP’s holiday gift guide for Marvel Heroes & superhero MMO fans

If you're a superhero fan or close to someone who is, you are certainly not lacking for options as to where to spend gobs...

Massively OP’s holiday gift guide for the shooter and console MMO fan

Well, I'm still playing the hell out of Star Wars: Battlefront, despite its many (many) faults! It may just be the Star Wars feels, but this...

The best MMO deals of Black Friday and Cyber Monday

You could give thanks on Thanksgiving, or gorge yourself on festive food alongside your bickering family members, but we say there's nothing like shopping from the comfort...

Daybreak gifts two weeks of All-Access membership to EverQuest II returnees

Almost everyone knows that EverQuest II's newest expansion launched last week, but what you might not realize is that the very same day, Daybreak launched...

The Stream Team: Back to everyday questing in EverQuest II

With so many festivals, events, and now the expansion, MassivelyOP's MJ hasn't had time to focus any on the core game of EverQuest II....

Free EverQuest II server transfers available in December

With the big EverQuest II server merges all wrapped up, Daybreak is delivering on its promise of offering players free transfers between the Halls of...

EverQuest’s multibox-free progression server is coming December 9th

We first heard about the possibility of a bot-free EverQuest progression server back at E3. Now on December 9th, that server will become a...

H1Z1 warns players of full server wipe happening tomorrow

Can an apocalypse happen after the apocalypse? That's the ironic state of affairs for H1Z1, which will be experiencing a full server wipe tomorrow...
Full of sound and fury. Sadly.

Massively OP’s holiday gift guide for the MMO peripheral junkie

I'm not going to lie, folks: I love peripherals. Love 'em. As soon as I was introduced to the idea that you could have...

Star Citizen alpha 2.0 goes into testing

Star Citizen fans have had a long wait for the game's big Alpha 2.0 update -- but that wait is just about over. CIG announced over...

MMO Mechanics: Three game-changing movement mechanics

In order to create the most truly challenging MMOs that connect players with the specific virtual environments they're traversing, developers have always worked on...

One Shots: Transformations

Guild Wars 2 and One Shots is a pairing as old as time immemorial. Thus, it's great to bring this good-looking MMO back into...

The Game Archaeologist: Shadowbane

Way back when I used to haunt the corridors of Gamestop and had yet to shun the place due to its stinky evil, I remember...

The Stream Team: Get a gift for PlanetSide 2’s anniversary

Careful now, that's not candlelight on a cake you see for PlanetSide 2's birthday -- that's the glow of gunfire! But that won't deter...

Smedley’s new game won’t have microtransactions

John Smedley's Twitter account continues to provide interesting food for thought related to his next project as well as the industry in general. The...

EverQuesting: First impressions of EQII’s Terrors of Thalumbra

Since EverQuest II's newest expansion just launched on Tuesday, there is no way I could have explored and experienced all the content completely before today....

Perfect Ten: MMOs you forgot existed (but are still running)

No MMO can be in the spotlight eternally. Even some of the biggest names out there -- your World of Warcrafts, your Guild Wars...

Here’s what John Smedley’s been up to lately

What has former SOE and Daybreak head honcho John Smedley been doing since his departure from the latter? Well, putting together a development team,...

Dragon’s Prophet has shut down

It's always sad when a game shuts down. Dragon's Prophet never managed to quite find its audience in the American marketplace, and it has...