
See: Daybreak Game Company


Daybreak teams reassure MMO players, deflect DDoS attacks

More assurances are coming your way from Daybreak Games, this time from reps of each of the studio's games. "Absolutely nothing" has changed, according to...

The Soapbox: Has F2P worked for SOE?

The MassivelyOP staff was discussing the SOE Daybreak armageddon recently, and given the total absence of public data relating to who or what was...

PlanetSide 2 Creative Director Matt Higby resigns from his post

EverQuest Next might be safe according to the head honcho of Daybreak, but PlanetSide 2 is in for a rocky time: PS2 Creative Director Matt...
Ultimate pens.

DC Universe Online launches Amazon’s Fury part II

Are you ready to go head-to-three-heads with Cerberus, guard dog of the Underworld? Because that's what you'll be doing when you pop into the...

Daybreak’s John Smedley: EverQuest Next is going to be ‘more than ok’

Worried about this week's mass firings of Daybreak employees and wondering what might happen to both Landmark and EverQuest Next? The studio has a...
Thanks for giving me things in response to taking things!

The Daily Grind: What do you think about Daybreak Game Company?

You know, for some reason we didn't have a whole lot of discussion about the Sony Online Entertainment buyout and name change when it...
EQ2 freeport

Daybreak layoffs hit Landmark, EverQuest Next, H1Z1, more

Well, here's a news post I didn't want to write. SOE Daybreak Games has laid off popular Global Community Relations lead Linda Carlson as...

Massively OP Podcast: Episode 1

Justin and Bree discuss Daybreak, World of Warcraft, Guild Wars 2's Heart of Thorns, and the forming of Massively Overpowered, with mailbag questions on MMO pet AI and subs as the new early access in disguise.