diablo 2

See: Diablo II

EXPLOSIONS! Overpowering.

Destiny 2 assures players that current high-end weapons will still be relevant with September’s expansion

The release of a new expansion for Destiny 2 might signal to most players that it's time to bring their favorite guns to the...
mar mar

Destiny 2’s Forsaken expansion will launch September 4

We're updating below the fold! If you're still playing Destiny 2, you're going to want to catch Bungie's reveal livestream today. The studio has promised...
Try it out.

Destiny 2 will be letting players in on experimental PvP modes at the end of May

The release of Warmind means that Destiny 2 players are due for another roadmap on the game's development, and guess what's shown up? Exactly...

Diablo II is being recreated in StarCraft 2 by an enterprising fan

You probably have enough of Diablo II in Diablo III at this point to satisfy any urges you might have to play the classic...
Never gonna get it, never gonna get it.

Perfect Ten: You got your MMORPG in my tabletop RPG

Tabletop games and MMORPGs seem like they would go well together, but remarkably they often don't. That's true for several reasons, but one of...

Destiny 2’s Warmind expansion is live today – here’s the launch trailer

Will Warmind be enough to help Destiny 2 recapture the hearts and minds of Bungie fans? We don't know the answer to that yet....

Former Marvel Heroes boss David Brevik launches new game, It Lurks Below, into early access

If you've been finding yourself missing Marvel Heroes - but not all the drama and lies - you might want to mosey on over...

Destiny 2’s second expansion, Warmind, launches May 8, or whatever

Gone are the days when Bungie would put out teases and trailers for its expansions, apparently. Last night, it practically stealth-announced Destiny 2's next...

One Shots: Riding the unicorn charge into 2018

That's it, folks. It's time to put the wraps on the bumpy, odd year that was 2017 and get ready to flip our calendars...
mar mar

Destiny 2 leaks out the second DLC, Gods of Mars, via the PlayStation store

It's long been known that the next Destiny 2 DLC will be out next year, with most players figuring on early in the year,...
Good news, this isn't bad as it looks!

Destiny 2’s playerbase is melting down over holiday lockboxes in Eververse

Destiny 2 just can't seem to stop pissing off everyone. Its Dawning holiday event, detractors argue, is overtly designed as a moneygrab focused around...
All errors should have been ingored

The Daily Grind: How do you feel about Destiny 2 six weeks post-launch?

Destiny 2's Curse of Osiris has already been out a few days and... it's not exactly lighting the world on fire. Core fanboys aren't...

Superdata’s October 2017 revenue report: Destiny 2’s and PUBG’s dominance

Destiny 2 may be fudging up left and right, but it still sold a truckton of copies. That's according to Superdata, whose most recent revenue...
feelin' fine!

Destiny 2 stream is canceled in the wake of player rage as a free trial surfaces

So, let's recap the Destiny 2 saga. First, there was a leveling scaling problem wherein players discovered that the game was now slowing leveling...
Oh well.

Watch Destiny 2’s Curse of Osiris dev stream here at 2 p.m. EST

Some MMO studios waste entire Fridays streaming about their upcoming patches, but not Bungie: Bungie's wasting two whole days on Destiny 2's Curse of...
feelin' fine!

Bungie posts Destiny 2 Curse of Osiris trailer, kicks off expansion stream

MMO studio streams are so common that we seldom report on them until after the fact and then only if they've actually revealed something...

Perfect Ten: What to expect when you play World of Warcraft Classic

Are you ready to play the most anticipated MMORPG from 2004? It turns out that, yes, many of you are. The frenzy over World...

Massively Overthinking: The best and worst of BlizzCon 2017

Last weekend, even Massively OP was obsessing over BlizzCon, and we thought it would be fun to poll the writers, including those who watched...

Destiny 2 once again denies misidentifying cheaters in latest ban wave

When Destiny 2 launched on PC just two weeks ago, the cheater ban waves began. Players revolted, arguing that they hadn't been cheating and...
The 'ablo'

BlizzCon 2016: Where’s the love for Diablo II and Warcraft III?

We were all prepared for the lack of Diablo III news from BlizzCon, in spite of the franchise's huge following. But what we we...