
Not So Massively: Blizzard’s $1.2 million tourney; X-Wing successor hits Kickstarter

In a bizarre coincidence, four separate MOBAs announced new champions this week. SMITE revealed an adorable Norse squirrel god named Ratatoskr and officially launched...

ArcheAge spawns fresh Reddit drama over pay-to-win

Third time's a charm with Reddit! Remember back in March when a Skyforge moderator threatened to ban anyone using the term pay-to-win and was...
Well... huh.

Here are the top 10 moments from Wargaming’s recent Grand Finals

Wargaming has published a video recap of the top 10 moments from its recent Grand Finals 2015 competition. If you want to see some...

Not So Massively: Heroes of Newerth changes owners; LoL subreddit drama continues

Path of Exile announced a potentially revolutionary and futuristic sounding new Deterministic Lockstep mode that promises sharper gameplay and zero desync for those on...

League of Legends community forms rival subreddit in response to heavy moderation

In response to the heated debate over alleged heavy-handed moderation and undue studio influence on the League of Legends subreddit, a group of players...

Watch Dota 2’s Red Bull Battle Grounds Grand Finals today

Dota 2's Red Bull Battle Grounds e-sports event draws to a close this weekend with the Grand Finals best-of-five finale in San Francisco's Warfield Theater. China's Invictus...

E-sports, permadeath, and completionist are now in the dictionary.com

Dictionary.com has granted a bit of legitimacy to a trio of gaming terms. E-sports, permadeath, and completionist were among the latest batch of words...

Not So Massively: HoN’s fifth anniversary update; Dota 2 rakes in millions of dollars

Heroes of Newerth received a colossal patch this week to celebrate its fifth anniversary, introducing a new intelligence carry hero, a capture the flag...

Watch Dota 2’s Red Bull Battle Grounds America regionals… now

Dota 2's Red Bull Battle Grounds e-sports event has been winding its away across the world with only one regional champ left to be decided: the...

Not So Massively: LoL’s Reddit controversy, HotS’ Heroes of the Dorm

If ever we needed evidence that e-sports are fast becoming more like real-life sports, this week's MOBA news provided it. Dota 2 announced that...

Not So Massively: Star Wars Battlefront is revealed; GTA 5 beats Skyrim

It's been a big week for competitive play in MOBAs. League of Legends opened the registration on its European Battlegrounds tournament and lifted the...

Not So Massively: LoL nerfs Nidalee, Hearthstone bans mods, and Path of Exile talks Act IV

League of Legends finally applied a nerf to controversial champion Nidalee, but players warn that it won't harm her jungling potential. Riot Games has...

Not So Massively: Descent’s Kickstarter woes; Heroes of the Storm’s $450K tourney blunder

Descent: Underground has passed the 50% mark on its Kickstarter campaign and promised to add singleplayer to the title but has only four days...

Not So Massively: Dota 2 tickets sell out, Rust brings out the racists, and Grey Goo has population problems

Tickets for the Dota 2 world championship, The International, sold out in a record 10 minutes and are now being resold by scalpers for up to...

Not So Massively: D3’s ladder reset, HOTS’ team league mode, and Starfall Tactics

Diablo III is getting ready to close its second ladder only two months in on April 5th but will be providing a 100% gold...

Not So Massively: HoN’s Grimm Hunt, HEX’s 100k tourney, and Descent’s reboot

It's been a packed week in the world of online multiplayer gaming, with competitive tournament announcements, patches, and tons of new videos. Microsoft may...

Guild Wars 2 teases upcoming WvW borderlands map

Congratulations to European Guild Wars 2 PvP team Orange Logo, who polished off ArenaNet's ESL World Tournament at this year's PAX East last night by upsetting...

PAX East 2015: Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns storms PAX

It's a huge weekend for Guild Wars 2 at PAX East, as the team is making Heart of Thorns available to the public for...

BioWare cancels SWTOR Operation Victory speed runs

Those of you looking forward to that Star Wars: The Old Republic speed-run e-sports thing are out of luck, at least for now. BioWare...

Heavy Gear Assault brings robot battling to a wider world

Mech fighters now have another option for their online gaming pleasure, as a title called Heavy Gear Assault has been making its way through...