
Perfect Ten: What I’ve always wished for in a Fallout MMO

This week I've been absolutely consumed by the thought of Fallout 76. I know, I know I shouldn't get my hopes up for a...
Crew crew crew

The Crew 2 is getting an open beta while the original The Crew goes into maintenance

It's probably not much of a surprise to hear that The Crew is slipping into maintenance mode, as patches had been quiet for a...

More rumors: Fallout 76 is a co-op game coming in August

While we will have to wait for the June 10th Bethesda E3 showcase for the full scoop on Fallout 76, the rumormill is churning...

E3 2018: Fallout 76 takes over the L.A. skyline

If you're heading to E3 in Los Angeles next week, it is going to be quite difficult indeed to avoid any thoughts of Bethesda's...

Amazon posts and retracts a July 2018 release date for Fallout 76

This past week's announcement of Fallout 76 -- Bethesda's newest entry in the post-apocalyptic series -- has just about everyone in the gaming community...

Perfect World is showing two new games at E3: Mobile sandbox MMORPG ReEvolve and battle royale FarSide

Perfect World is up to some stuff at E3 this year. Some good stuff, by my estimation. The company sent 'round PR on two...

EA hypes Anthem trailer and combat ahead of its pre-E3 EA Play show

We're just a week and change away from E3, and you know what that means: Every major game company is going to be trickling...

The Game Archaeologist: Warhammer Online

When it comes to notable years in the MMORPG genre's history, 2008 stands out as one of the most significant. World of Warcraft's debut...

The Crew 2 posts new trailers for its May 31st closed beta run

Just ahead of this year's E3, Ubisoft is rolling out The Crew 2's closed beta - that's May 31st through June 4th, and yep,...

SuperData examines the lootbox controversy’s effect on EA and the gaming industry

How big a deal with the lootbox controversy that finally hit the mainstream last year? Pretty big, SuperData argues. In a new blog post,...

The Daily Grind: Are you playing Sea of Thieves?

It's officially Sea of Thieves day; the game launched here in the US in the wee hours of this morning. During our awards rollout...
Slide in.

The Crew 2 is rescheduled for a June 29 launch

The Crew 2 isn't as delayed as you might've thought: Ubisoft just announced that it's launching on June 29th, and it's looking like a...
Someone thinks that's neat, probably.

Cyberpunk 2077’s CD Projekt Red takes a stand against lockboxes and unfinished games

The studio behind The Witcher 3 and Cyberpunk 2077 isn't mincing words when it comes to business practices that involve lockboxes and partially delivered...

The MOP Up: Black Desert’s Ninja arrives in Southeast Asia (February 11, 2018)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

Sea of Thieves’ closed beta is live but in choppy waters

Sea of Thieves' closed beta for PC and Xbox One kicked off earlier today, and it's not going that well. Or rather, it's going...

Cyberpunk 2077 could be coming to E3 with a playable demo and new trailer

Following a single "beep" of Twitter activity last week, CD Projekt Red's Cyberpunk 2077 holds the rapt attention of gamers across the world who...
Big empty.

A player modder is building the No Man’s Sky you always wanted

Way back in 2016, No Man's Sky was all anyone talked about thanks to misleading hype positioning the game in the stratosphere. In fact, the...
spooky, kinda

MMO Year in Review: Morrowind, Stormblood, and Secret World Legends (June 2017)

We’re taking a time-machine back through our MMO coverage, month by month, to hit the highlights and frame our journey before we head into...

Perfect Ten: 20 multiplayer games to watch in 2018

A couple of weeks ago I covered 20(ish) MMORPGs that we are looking forward to seeing develop, test, and launch in 2018. But as...

The most popular Massively OP MMO articles of 2017

One of my favorite things to do every year is drill down the top articles on the site for our readers. I don't mean...