
See: Emulator

Star Wars Galaxies fans are working on an emulator for the game’s TCG

I haven't been making any secret of how much fun I'm having in the Star Wars Galaxies Legends emulator (and thanks so much to...

The Daily Grind: Which MMORPG boasts the best space gameplay?

Over the past week or so, I've been tinkering with Star Wars Galaxies Legends, an NGE emulator for SWG that's actually pretty polished and...

The Daily Grind: What’s the best MMORPG skill system that avoids the ‘illusion of choice’?

Over the weekend, my husband and I were chatting about playing on a Star Wars Galaxies emulator again, probably the Legends one that people...

MMO business roundup: Virtual reality, Niantic, WoW emu hacking, and what Google’s up to

We've got some MMO industry topics you shouldn't miss, so welcome back to our MMO business roundup! • Last week, Pokemon Go company Niantic previewed...
No long

City of Heroes emulator pumps out its first public release

Former City of Heroes players have plenty of options to try to fill the void of their favorite MMO. There's a chat shell that...

The Daily Grind: Are fan emulators of dead MMOs worth developing?

As an amateur historian and an MMORPG enthusiast, I generally applaud efforts by the community to resurrect, preserve, and even reboot sunsetted games. While...

Toontown Rewritten sponsors convention for emulator fans

Perhaps one of the most amazing MMORPG emulator projects is one that has flown under the radar of the larger community. Following the shutdown...

World of Warcraft emulators forge forward in a post-Classic announcement era

Curious about what's going to happen to all of those World of Warcraft legacy emulators with WoW Classic on the way? It doesn't look...

World of Warcraft Classic progresses: ‘This is the right decision’

Desperate for some World of Warcraft Classic news now that the BlizzCon high has faded? Forbes has an interview up with Blizzard Executive Producer...

Earth Eternal’s player-run emulator just patched in tons of new stuff

Scroll back in your brain a decade to 2007, when Sparkplay announced it was building an MMORPG called Earth Eternal, a free-to-play, microtransaction-based MMO...

EA has put the kibosh on a player-run Battlefield emulator – are MMOs next?

We don't cover the Battlefield games much on Massively OP, but this particular story caught my attention anyway because of the company and subject...

World of Warcraft emulator leaders attempt to soothe a skittish community

Following a nasty bout of corruption and scandal, the Elysium Project -- a World of Warcraft vanilla emulator -- has officially disbanded. In its...

Asheron’s Call emulator lead explains what went down with the cease-and-desist

What are lawyers good for? Pouring lemon juice on the open wounds of an MMO community desperately trying to hold on to the remnant...
Elf elf elf.

New World of Warcraft emulator project takes players back to The Burning Crusade era

The muddy waters of emulators and the contentious conversation around World of Warcraft legacy servers is getting a whole lot more crazy this summer, thanks...

The Sims Online emulator might be launching soon

In just two weeks, a long-forgotten social MMORPG might be making a comeback. The team behind FreeSO, a Sims Online emulator, announced on Twitter yesterday...

Sims Online emulator’s test server sees strong community interest

The underground revival of The Sims Online is seeing marked interest from the community, as players are checking out the current FreeSO beta. In...

Free Realms Sunrise emulator vows to bring back some of the fun

Were you there when they turned the lights out on Free Realms? The title went dark on this family-friendly MMORPG back in March 2014,...

Gamers resurrect LEGO Universe as Darkflame Universe with January alpha

Forget 2017; today I'm going to ask you to think back to 2010, when the folks behind LEGO decided it would be a great...

The new Nostalrius emulator suffered six DDOS attacks on launch day

Apparently some folks are taking the relaunch of the Nostalrius servers very badly: Team Elysium, the group behind the newest World of Warcraft emulator,...

25000 people have signed up for the new Nostalrius server so far

According to a tweet by the original folks behind Nostalrius, the new version of the World of Warcraft classic emulator has already (or only,...