
Why must you disappoint hopes?

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV Fan Festival in review

Being at the Final Fantasy XIV fan festival was interesting for me on several levels because I wasn't just there to have fun, I...

EVE Evolved: Controversy over gambling bans and charities

It's been a crazy, drama-filled week in EVE Online, starting with a controversial change to the EULA that will ban all gambling sites using in-game currency or assets...
Show your glow.

The Daily Grind: What MMO would you attend a special convention for?

As you read this, dear readers, I am winging my way to Las Vegas to attend the second Final Fantasy XIV Fan Festival, which...
Well, it's what I wanted.

Overwatch introduces the Halloween Terror event with PvE brawling and new item packs

It's time to get into the spirit of ghoulish glee in Overwatch with the new Halloween Terror event, and it's bringing more than just...
hooray sorta

Season 7 is rumbling to a close in Diablo III

For everything, there is a season, and in the case of Diablo III, there are several seasons. One of those seasons is coming to...
cut cut cut

Here’s what to expect from Final Fantasy XIV’s Fan Festival livestream

The second convention for Final Fantasy XIV fans is arriving in just a little more than a week, and if you don't already have...
Yes, I realize this is GW2. It's still a familiar sight, you'll get it.

Guild Wars 2 quietly inserts world-hopping event into this week’s patch

"Something unusual is happening at Gillscale Pond." With this mysterious line in yesterday's Guild Wars 2 patch notes, players set off to investigate what this...
Tower of things.

Blade & Soul introduces Ebondrake Citadel and the Tower of Memory

It's the most wonderful day of the week for fans of Blade & Soul because it's patch day. Not only does this patch include...

WildStar brings back its zPrix Invitational event

If this world is your playground, then WildStar's Nexus is your skate park. With the return of the zPrix Invitational event, the developers have...
This is not heading in a positive direction, in other words.

TERA’s Civil Unrest causes actual unrest when it fails to function

One of the big centerpiece features of TERA's most recent patch was the Civil Unrest event, with players teaming up to take on other...
Day one.

The Daily Grind: What MMO events have you stayed up for?

When the first two World of Warcraft expansions launched, my wife and I were there for the midnight launches. We set up our schedule...
A dragon's dog, Ma.

Dragon’s Dogma Online may be headed to the West eventually

At this point, there are no announced plans to bring Dragon's Dogma Online to Western audiences, something that no doubt makes aforementioned Western audiences...

Dark Age of Camelot makes plans for its 15th birthday celebration

Where were you on October 10th, 2001? Were you one of the first players through the gate in Dark Age of Camelot? Whether or...
Pictured: bugs, we guess? Metaphor is hard.

Crowfall shows off UI improvements

Even if you're not involved in the actual testing process for Crowfall, you probably like seeing the game in action just to confirm that...

Webzen is closing down ELOA and ASTA in October

About a year ago, Webzen announced that it was bringing Asta: The War of Tears and Winds over after the game had been shut...
I can't say it would be worse, exactly.

Neverwinter brings a live stage experience to consoles with Portobello’s Campaign

The new event for Neverwinter console players is just a little bit recursive. When you log into the game, you're taking part in a roleplaying...
For chickens.

Perfect World International kicks off anniversary celebrations with bartering

Perfect World International has been running for eight years now, which is a pretty impressive milestone. The somewhat eponymous team at Perfect World Entertainment...
Please, no scary version of Answers this time?

The Rising returns to Final Fantasy XIV for three years of operation

August 27th will mark three years since Final Fantasy XIV's successful relaunch, and it should come as no surprise that the game is celebrating...
Curb Your Enthusiasm theme plays

WoW Factor: Fighting against the Legion and the end of the world

I honestly don't know what the Burning Legion's strategy is in World of Warcraft right now when it comes to picking places to invade....
In appreciation, have a glowing naked man.

Lineage II offers players an item pack as a show of appreciation

Lineage II has had a nice long run across the world, and the team behind the game appreciates the players who have stuck with...