
It's never quite gone.

April Fools’ Day around the MMOverse, 2016 edition

Happy April Fools' Day, and remember not to believe anything you read on the internet today! We're stepping outside of our own BuzzFeed-headline prank...
The ice is thin, come on, dive in.

WildStar opens up the Hoverboard zPrix Invitational

The iconic vehicle of WildStar is the hoverboard because it's like a skateboard but it's a hoverboard. So how would you like to take...
This sounded good until you started attacking my toolkit for some reason.

Black Desert Online is hosting a Saint Patrick’s Day event

There aren't a large number of MMOs that celebrate Saint Patrick's Day, probably because it's easier to come up with vague lore-appropriate reasons to...
Perhaps not such good value for bat-men, but they have enough money.

DC Universe Online announces a tournament for Batman vs. Superman

There's not much time left before the latest DC Comics movie makes the old geek argument of "who would win in a fight, Batman...
It's a jumping-off point!

Final Fantasy XIV’s Hatching-Tide brings new barding, new hats, and new music sheets

Most reliable scholars of Eorzea agree that the second Calamity was ushered in on March 15th, when Hatching-Tide started in Final Fantasy XIV once...
All the single ladies!

Final Fantasy XIV dolls itself up for Little Ladies’ Day

The latest patch for Final Fantasy XIV is only a day old and has brought along more story, more dungeons, and more things for...

EverQuesting: A guide to EverQuest II’s monthly and yearly events

Anyone familiar with EverQuest II knows that Norrath likes to celebrate. The game is filled with so many holidays and festivals that it can...

Atlas Reactor hosts its alpha sneak peek week

The Atlas Reactor alpha is speeding along with the occasional squeak, but this week, information need not be leaked. You can just try out...

Massively OP’s MMORPG Valentine’s Day 2016 roundup

If you're one of those gamers who needs goofy real-world holidays in your MMOs, then this weekend is for you, as sappy pink hearts,...
Hearts in Ishgard.

Final Fantasy XIV kicks off another celebration of Valentione’s Day

The house of Valentione is not one of the major houses in Ishgard, but it's still very important to players of Final Fantasy XIV...
Same old story.

World of Warcraft’s Lunar Festival starts today

There's a bit of a content drought in place on the World of Warcraft servers at the moment, what with the game's last major...
Continue the epic struggle between good/evil teamups and neutral!

The Daily Grind: How frequently do you want events in an MMO?

I have a mixed set of feelings about the various Star Wars: The Old Republic reputation events. On the one hand, it annoys me...
Practice makes something!

EVE Online event encourages players to help construct the first Citadel stations

Even in games set far in the future, people still think about living in the World of Tomorrow. EVE Online players are already experiencing...
Making it all better all over again.

Star Trek Online holds a recovery event for the rest of January

The galaxy of Star Trek Online has just finished dealing with a destructive war against a race of almost incalculable age and power. There's...
I thought she was a puppy.

SMITE kicks off the Rising Dawn promotional event

Amaterasu is the Japanese goddess of the sun, a new deity within SMITE's deific roster and a flexible one besides. But bringing Amaterasu alone...
Sometimes you even get some cool stuff!

SWTOR runs January events to make up for December’s problems

There were a lot of events planned for Star Wars: The Old Republic in December. Sure, they were the game's usual repeating events, but...

WildStar challenges players to hunt world bosses this weekend

WildStar's world bosses are big, ornery, and the general sort of thing that lots of players need to band together to defeat. Nothing wrong...

There are just a few more days left to enjoy DDO’s Festivult

As the holiday season and in-game events in most MMOs wind down, Festivult in Dungeons and Dragons Online is ticking to a close as well....
Blinded by the X.

The Daily Grind: Do you have any resolutions for 2016 in MMOs?

2016 is almost here, and I nearly forgot all about it! It feels less like "New Year's Eve" and more like "Thursday, get all...
Dress-up parties.

Diablo III previews the changes and improvements for patch 2.4.0 and Season 5

The season is nearly upon us, by which we of course mean the next season of Diablo III. The holiday season is already upon...