
Perfect Ten: 10 small Guild Wars 2 details that make it special

I find that there's this special window of time that happens when you return to an old favorite MMO that shouldn't be missed. It's...

Jukebox Heroes: Six great EverQuest II expansion tunes

When's the last time you stepped back and realized just how big and expansive some of your MMORPGs have become over the decades of...

Vague Patch Notes: MMO events are not for the high-level playerbase

Let me start with a statement of fact: I actually really like limited-time events in MMORPGs. I don't like them as a means of...

Perfect Ten: 10 things I really dislike about Final Fantasy XIV

Sometimes, when I have a series of columns planned, I start off by saying, "Hey, here's a series of columns I plan." And sometimes...

LOTRO Legendarium: Why flying would have ruined LOTRO’s Middle-earth

Despite the title up there, this column isn't really about flying. I'm just getting that out of the way right here. I actually have...
Ogre, without layers

Design Mockument: In which we do not design World of Warcraft 2

Over the course of my professional writing career on this site and that site we used to run before AOL screwed us all over,...
aw hell

Vague Patch Notes: The three kinds of sunset in the MMO space

Not all sunsets are the same, no matter how much you may like a given game. This is one of the things that tends...

Tamriel Infinium: How Elder Scrolls Online’s quests go above and beyond the MMO norm

There are some MMOs you play because of and some you play in spite of, if you catch my drift. These titles have great...

Perfect Ten: Ranking 10 MMORPG map designs from worst to best

When I was a kid, I loved poring over maps in our family's atlas when we went on road trips. Getting a kind of...

Tamriel Infinium: 18 activities to do at max level in Elder Scrolls Online

As they say, absence makes the heart grow fonder, and so it's been with the past six months between me and Elder Scrolls Online....

Vague Patch Notes: Diversions are what makes the MMO

I am going to put forth a theory today in the Vague Patch Notes column. It is potentially an odd theory, and as sometimes...
Guess who's back. Back again.

Perfect Ten: 10 things I really dislike about Final Fantasy XI

You don't have to dig very far to find my articles saying nice things about Final Fantasy XI. I say them often. I'd be...

Some Assembly Required: My journey through the housing system of Final Fantasy XIV

It took me years - literal years - but I landed a personal house in Final Fantasy XIV. Not an apartment, not a room...

Perfect Ten: 10 dead MMOs that should be revived for a second chance

I have always felt that it's such an enormous waste of everything when a live MMORPG is sunsetted and access to it is gone...

Vitae Aeternum: Obsessing over New World’s population numbers is a waste of time

New World is a bit unique in that it is the only major Western MMORPG that is playable only through Steam. The others are...
But what awaits...

Vague Patch Notes: Floaty, samey, and janky – a treasury of MMO terms for bad combat

Any time you bring up The Secret World or Secret World Legends's bland, floaty combat, at least one person is going to chime in...
Fighty fight fight.

Perfect Ten: Tutorial topics every MMO really needs to cover

Tutorials are important in MMOs. No MMO has a great one, unfortunately. I don't just mean in the cases where returning players could use...

Perfect Ten: Why it’s better than ever to be an MMO fan in 2023

Welcome to 2023! You probably didn't need that heads-up, but you're getting it even still. I'm quite excited about the year to come in...

Vague Patch Notes: Stop taking your released MMOs back to the drawing board

This is not a column about Kingshunt, but it is. It's not a column about Crowfall or Deathverse: Let it Die or even Crucible....

Vague Patch Notes: Embracing limited-time content modes in MMOs

Today's column was inspired by a discussion in work chat about limited-time game modes - specifically, the idea of something like that in World...