Co-op raiding roguelike Rabbit & Steel celebrates passing 100,000 copies sold

weird viera

When you’re a solo indie developer, it’s hard to know when a game is going to resonate with a potential audience, especially when that game is already kind of a niche project. Like, say, a game whose whole premise is emulating raid fights (seemingly inspired by a specific game) in a roguelike non-MMO with multiplayer. But it seems Rabbit & Steel has found its audience, with a new announcement from the developer that the game has surpassed 100,000 copies sold in its first week. That’s a lot of bunnies!

Yes, we are aware of the fecundity of rabbits in popular culture.

Mino, the developer, is hard at work squashing bugs… but there are more updates planned for the future. One of the major updates is working on balance, like how the Wizard is currently a bit too weak and there are currently far more movement slowing effects than speed-up effects. Beyond that, there are plans for a full-fledged DLC with more character classes and bosses to give people more incentive to jump back in. For now, those bunnies just keep multiplying and dodging boss attacks.

Source: Steam
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