expansion cycle
Wisdom of Nym: The fullness of Final Fantasy XIV until October
We know now that patch 3.35 and the Deep Dungeon will be landing on July 19th. That's a little bit later than I had...
World of Warcraft: Legion’s expansion cycle will be longer with more patches
Remember all of those times that Blizzard said that it was going to speed up the rate at which it produced World of Warcraft expansions?...
WoW Factor: Why Legion’s alpha/beta label is a hair worth splitting
The Legion alpha is back, and it is still an alpha. And I want to to stress, not for the first time, that I...
WoW Factor: Draenor’s imminent content drought
We know that Hellfire Citadel is going to be the last raid in World of Warcraft's current expansion. We know that the expansion wasn't...