
‘Free-to-play’ is a term that refers to games that do not have box or download fees associated with them and do not incur a mandatory subscription. Some have optional subscriptions and are more properly referred to as hybrid F2P. Most have cash shops and microtransactions.


RIFT, Trove, and ArcheAge start accepting Razer zGold

There's a new way to pay in Trion Worlds' games, and that way is Razer zGold. Trion announced this week that all of its games,...

Warframe is probably revealing its next warframe on this livestream

Warframe is set to reveal something big on today's livestream, the studio has hinted. Rumors about "the thirty-third" -- as in, 33rd warframe --...

Battle Bards Episode 96: SWTOR expansions

“A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away…” With those words, you know you’re in for a rollicking good adventure — and some...

The Stream Team: Happy sixth birthday, World of Tanks!

For six years, tank enthusiasts have been blowing each other to bits in World of Tanks. And on the game's birthday today, Massively OP's...

Dauntless will feature controller support, explains free-to-play business model

How rock and roll is the upcoming co-op monster hunting game Dauntless? You don't even have to use a keyboard and mouse if you...
Oh no, it's all we are.

Star Trek Online announces the end of STO Gateway

One of Star Trek Online's lesser-used features is about to be chucked into a black hole, never to be seen again. On the official forums,...
I can't say it would be worse on consoles.

Neverwinter’s Cloaked Ascendancy arrives on consoles today

Happy Neverwinter patch day, console fans -- you're getting closer and closer to catching up with the PC master race today as Cloaked Ascendency...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 112: Heroic measures

Justin and Bree discuss Marvel Heroes, Ship of Heroes, SWTOR, Secret World Legends, Black Desert, EVE Fanfest, LOTRO, WoW, and GW2, with reader mail on MMO dress-up and City of Heroes successors.

Lord of the Rings Online plans two-month nostalgia hunt for 10th anniversary

Don't expect the same-old fireworks display from Lord of the Rings Online as it hits its 10th birthday this month. Well, there will be...

Jukebox Heroes: Your top six favorite MMO music themes

After over a month of voting and counting down, we've arrived at the final six picks for your favorite MMORPG theme songs of all...
Stab and cut.

TERA launches its Valkyrie patch Honorbound today [Update: It’s live now!]

At first it was called the Paragon. Then, players revolted, and it was renamed to the Valkyrie. But whatever you call the newest class...

S2 Games launches Brawl of Ages online CCG in early access today

If you were ever a fan of MOBAs Strife and Heroes of Newerth, you're definitely going to want to keep an eye on S2...

BioWare delays SWTOR 5.2 for a week, might be working on KOTOR 3 and a ‘semi-MMO’

Let's rip off this band-aid quickly: There will be no SWTOR Update 5.2 today. BioWare announced on the forums that it is delaying the...

Star Trek Online’s Reckoning headed to consoles on April 18

For one -- just one -- glorious week this month, Star Trek Online's console players will feel content that they will be warping around...

Star Wars: The Old Republic’s War for Iokath dailies allow you to play both sides

If you're angling to jump back into Star Wars: The Old Republic for GU 5.2 tomorrow, better take a look at BioWare's latest developer...

LOTRO Legendarium: Playing second fiddle to the Fellowship

Back when Lord of the Rings Online was being developed as Middle-earth Online in the late 1990s, the original concept was to plop players...

Wargaming says betting is ‘a natural part of sports’ and therefore online games

Earlier this month, we covered SuperData's report on the state of gambling practices in digital games, in which one of the analysis firm's claims...

RuneScape airs ’15 Years of Adventure’ documentary

"This is the story of a world created in a kitchen. Of a community bonding as they kill chickens or fish for sharks. It's a...

The MOP Up: Scorpio’s doomsday device (April 9, 2017)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

EVE Fanfest 2017: Hands-on with competitive VR sports game Sparc

At the end of February, CCP Games announced a new game that has nothing to do with EVE Online or even the EVE IP. Named Sparc,...