
See: Final Fantasy XIV

And again.

Perfect Ten: The top 10 things to love about Elder Scrolls Online

Having finally clicked hard with Elder Scrolls Online this winter, I find that it's difficult to restrain myself from gushing about pleasant discoveries (and...
Bring the light

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s Island Sanctuary and the descent of peace

If you look at it from an obvious thematic standpoint, the whole Island Sanctuary idea makes no sense for this particular expansion for Final...

One Shots: Hug a jellyfish today, why not?

Now personally, I don't do a whole lot of scuba diving or anything, mostly because I have a healthy fear of everything that lurks...

Why I Play: Finally completing Final Fantasy XIV’s relic grind

When I started my relic grind in Final Fantasy XIV, I didn't know what I was getting myself into. But after finishing the first few...
Never seen a bluer sky.

Wisdom of Nym: The shirt-based speculation around Final Fantasy XIV’s next melee job

Bad news, folks: We're going to be waiting a while longer to find out the new melee job for Final Fantasy XIV, and waiting...

One Shots: Even adventurers like to be tucked in to sleep

Slaying a bajillion creatures, hauling around blood-splattered loot, and going through a repeated death-resurrection cycle sure does take it out on the intrepid adventurer....

Massively Overthinking: Which MMORPG offers the best tutorial?

MMORPG developer Raph Koster recently put this neat article by experimental game developer Nicky Case on my radar. Case notes that common wisdom is...

Naoki Yoshida discusses the Island Sanctuary and content length for Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker

The next major reveal of information about Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker isn't going to happen until May, but producer and director Naoki Yoshida has...

Naoki Yoshida sees at least another five years of vitality in Final Fantasy XIV

The fourth major expansion for Final Fantasy XIV, Endwalker, is just around the corner (to the extent you can consider "planned for fall" to be just...

Why I Play: Final Fantasy XIV’s memorable Shadowbringer relic weapon grind

I have a love-hate relationship with Final Fantasy XIV. I actively fought against giving the game MMO of the year for 2020, and I hold the...
Time for a few small repairs.

Final Fantasy XIV opens up another free login campaign through March 31

Resistance weaponry, Valentione's day, Skysteel tools, Blue Mage updates... there's a lot going on in Final Fantasy XIV at the moment, and even if you're...
Oh, right.

Wisdom of Nym: What Final Fantasy XIV has lined up for patch 5.5

Amidst all the news last week, the live letter for Final Fantasy XIV kind of got shoved off into the corner, didn't it? Partly...

MMO Business Roundup: Microsoft’s ZeniMax Vault, Square’s financials, and the Fortnite ‘scapegoat’ lawsuit

Welcome back to another happy fun roundup of MMO and MMO-adjacent industry news. Business business business! ZeniMax: Microsoft is apparently creating a subsidiary named Vault...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 308: FFXIV’s endings and beginnings

Justin and Bree discuss Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker, Skyforge, Blizzard and NCosft financials, Stadia, and PSO2, with adventures in WoW Classic, LOTRO, ESO, SWG Legends, plus mailbag questions on MMO dungeons and juggling MMOs.
We have Clive at home.

Wisdom of Nym: Everything we now know about Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker

So, hey, the moon! That's a place we haven't been yet, isn't it? We've blown up a moon in Final Fantasy XIV (or had...

One Shots: Giant envy

Last week's call for screenshots of MMO giants brought out some big responses. Hefty contributions, if you get my drift. And we'll kick off...
Forge Ahead

Final Fantasy XIV’s fourth expansion, Endwalker, arrives this fall, with a PS5 launch set for April

The fourth expansion for Final Fantasy XIV has been officially announced during the evening's live announcement event as Endwalker, launching in fall of 2021. You...
We handled this.

Liveblogging the Final Fantasy XIV announcement showcase

Maybe you're excited about the Final Fantasy XIV announcement showcase, but you're currently at work and can't watch video. Or maybe you're on public transit...

Massively Overthinking: Do MMO players secretly just want ‘another WoW’?

Last week, there was a provocative discussion on the MMORPG subreddit about the genre. I don't want to get tangled up in the whole...

Perfect Ten: A guide to podcasts for your favorite MMOs

Clearly, your Tuesday schedule every week should have a big fat "LISTEN TO MASSIVELY OP PODCAST" written at 4:00 p.m. EST right on it....