final fantasy xiv

Official Site: Final Fantasy XIV
Studio: Square Enix
Launch Date: September 30, 2010; relaunched August 27, 2013
Genre: Fantasy Hybrid Themepark
Business Model: Subscription (Cash Shop)
Platform: PC, PS3, PS4

Guess who's back. Back again.

Perfect Ten: The odd things I noticed slipping back into Final Fantasy XI

Over the years, I may have spent more money on Final Fantasy XI than any other MMO. It's undoubtedly my first MMO, and it's...

Massively Overthinking: Reconsidering the MMORPG daily quest

Dailies. The word evokes pure hatred from some corners of the MMORPG world. And yet games without dailies are dinged for not having enough content...

Global Chat: An MMO to call home

Home. It's what many MMO gamers are looking for in a title: to plant down roots and find a place that exudes belonging. What...
All balance is relative! But this is definitely unbalanced.

Final Fantasy XIV kicks off the first season of the Feast today

Are you a bad enough dude to be considered the best Dark Knight in Final Fantasy XIV? If so, you probably are any given...

Final Fantasy XIV producer letter pokes and prods at Patch 3.3 and 3.4 features

Stop the presses, go home from school early, and call off from work -- the latest Final Fantasy XIV producer letter is here. As...
Where you at?

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s missing Midgardsormr

What is Midgardsormr doing? The lord of the wyrms played a major role in the end of the 2.x story series in Final Fantasy XIV,...

One Shots: Farming at dawn

You people and your Black Desert fetish! Yes, the game is drop-dead gorgeous. Yes, it's the new hotness. Yes, you like sending in screenshots...

Jukebox Heroes: Six MMO tunes for a starry night

I am in love with the night. No, I'm not an emo vampire or Batman (although...); I've just always appreciated the quiet and peacefulness...

Massively Overthinking: Grouping, kill-stealing, and open PvP in MMORPGs

This week's Massively Overthinking topic arrived in our inboxes from longtime reader Leiloni. It's a timely one all about newly launched Tree of Savior -- and...

Battle Bards Episode 72: Listeners’ request anniversary

Can you believe it -- it's the third anniversary of Battle Bards already! Three years ago, Steff, Syp, and Syl joined forces to create...
Here we go again.

Wisdom of Nym: Where we’re heading in Final Fantasy XIV with patch 3.3 (and beyond)

I've made no real secret of the fact that I don't particularly like Final Fantasy XIV's live letters. Leaving aside the usual issues I...

One Shots: You are cleared for approach

My call the other week for aerial shots triggered a cascade of submissions. You people really like your heights and flights! So I have...
It's never quite gone.

April Fools’ Day around the MMOverse, 2016 edition

Happy April Fools' Day, and remember not to believe anything you read on the internet today! We're stepping outside of our own BuzzFeed-headline prank...
Flight of the Matrimony.

Final Fantasy XIV expands chocobo racing and the anima weapon questline

Are you a big fan of chocobo racing in Final Fantasy XIV? Then you'll be very happy to know that the game's latest patch...

Wisdom of Nym: Affection for Final Fantasy XIV’s beast tribes

I really like the beast tribes of Final Fantasy XIV. I'm also very happy that we don't get to play them and probably never...

Perfect Ten: Most notable console MMORPGs to date

It used to be that hunting for a console MMORPG was one of the most fruitless endeavors known to gamers. The PC was where...

Jukebox Heroes: MMO tracks to make your heart happy

Music doesn't just speak to emotion; it often evokes it, conjuring it out of thin air with notes and tones and those squiggly lines...

The Daily Grind: What’s your favorite MMO set piece?

The other day I was running through The Secret World's Last Train to Cairo mission for the fourth or fifth time. Even after so...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 56: Ghillie nation

Justin and Bree discuss Black Desert, Marvel Heroes, The Division, VR, Landmark, Crowfall, EVE, and Tree of Savior, with mailbag questions on pay-to-win and Black Desert hype.
'Problem' is not a synonym for 'thing I personally don't like.'

Wisdom of Nym: Final Fantasy XIV’s silent design plans

I do not envy the team behind Final Fantasy XIV in some respects. In many ways, the game is the poster child for developing...