free to play

‘Free-to-play’ is a term that refers to games that do not have box or download fees associated with them and do not incur a mandatory subscription. Some have optional subscriptions and are more properly referred to as hybrid F2P. Most have cash shops and microtransactions.

Alleged WildStar ex-devs gripe about Carbine

A series of quotes on WildStar's subreddit this past weekend has caused quite a stir in that game's community, as alleged former Carbine developers have...

The MOP Up: Metal Gear Online comes to PC (January 24, 2016)

The MMO industry moves along at the speed of information, and sometimes we’re deluged with so much news here at Massively Overpowered that some...

Path of Exile’s new season gets a bit frosty

Don't fear the winter -- embrace it! That's the thinking of Path of Exile this month as it prepares to launch a new seasonal...

Get your time travel on with Dark Era

While time travel has certainly been done as part of MMO quests, could an entire game revolve around the sci-fi concept? Dark Era, a...

The Stream team: A Saturday stomp in MechWarrior Online (plus giveaway)

What to do when a snowy storm rages on out in the real world? How about rage a little yourself inside MechWarrior Online where...

Blade & Soul impressions from around the MMO blogosphere

It's probably no surprise to anyone that Blade & Soul managed to rope in a lot of excited fans and curious casuals this past...

War Thunder fan creates a full virtual reality cockpit

Flight sim fans are often on the cutting edge of technology and peripherals, usually more so than the rest of the gaming crowd. After...

David Brevik is streaming his one-man game design process

Ever wonder how a one-man game studio functions? Former Marvel Heroes boss David Brevik is giving you an inside look on his Twitch channel. Brevik,...
Into the sunset.

City of Steam is shuttering on January 31st

In the heady days of yesteryear, we believed that removing the need to download a client would be the key to unlocking more people...

Firefall’s update is live and servers are up, but old characters are still offline

The most recent Firefall patch faced some pretty significant downtime due to issues with its implementation; players were updated on the state of the...

Massively Overthinking: The MMO dev brains we’d like to pick

This week's Overthinking question comes to us from longtime Patron Roger. "If you guys could magically open a connection to any dev team, which team...

Games industry sees strong promise in e-sports and virtual reality

If you're tired of hearing how hot e-sports is and how the industry is gunning for it as the future of gaming... perhaps you...

How RIFT changed radically during its pre-launch development

Fun fact: RIFT wasn't always known as RIFT. Trion Worlds' fantasy MMO went through many name permutations during its development, including titles such as...

Star Trek Online celebrates its sixth anniversary with a time-travel episode and giveaways

Star Trek Online seems to be one of those MMOs that always does its anniversaries justice. As the game hits its sixth birthday this...

Here’s how Hero’s Song’s gods and races work according to Smed

How do gods work in Hero's Song? What races can you play? John Smedley's just posted a new and lengthy explanation on both to Reddit. In his upcoming...

Blade & Soul teases upcoming content

As if Blade & Soul players didn't have enough to keep them occupied this week, what with the launch and all, NCsoft has released a...

Firefall’s Razor’s Edge update suffers migration-related delays and downtime

Firefall's Razor's Edge update yesterday didn't exactly go to plan, which you know if you've been desperately trying to log in to no avail. Red...

Age of Conan has a new game director with plans for 2016

Funcom's Romain "Tilty" Amiel, well known to MMORPG gamers as the lead designer on The Secret World, has taken over game director duties from...
This is what we were really missing.

How ‘Gamer Motivation Model’ researchers slot MOBAs on the strategy map

This winter, we've been chronicling the escapades of Nick Yee-founded game analytics consulting firm Quantic Foundry, which published what it's calling the Gamer Motivation Model. Researchers compiled...

Lord of the Rings Online’s latest patch expands Minas Tirith questing

Lord of the Rings Online is releasing a medium-weight patch today tailored to Minas Tirith gameplay. Of note, there are new quests scattered throughout the...