free to play

‘Free-to-play’ is a term that refers to games that do not have box or download fees associated with them and do not incur a mandatory subscription. Some have optional subscriptions and are more properly referred to as hybrid F2P. Most have cash shops and microtransactions.

Not So Massively: HoN’s Grimm Hunt, HEX’s 100k tourney, and Descent’s reboot

It's been a packed week in the world of online multiplayer gaming, with competitive tournament announcements, patches, and tons of new videos. Microsoft may...

The Stream Team: An EverQuest anniversary with gifts for you!

EverQuest celebrates another year today, which means it's time for a birthday party. And do you think MassivelyOP's MJ would miss a party? Not...

Get lucky loot with Marvel Heroes’ St. Patrick’s events

Every week is a new event in Marvel Heroes, and right now it's a week-long St. Patrick's Day party! Not only can players collect...
Perfect World

PSA: Perfect World is closing its wallet system on March 17

Perfect World wants to remind you that it will be shutting down its wallet system on Tuesday, March 17th. If you still have some...

Hawken snapped up by Reloaded Games

After languishing in limbo for the better part of a year, mech shooter Hawken will apparently be returning, thanks to a deal with Reloaded...
Oh, there's going to be so much chopping.

Investment firm sees a dark future for WildStar, bright hopes for Guild Wars 2

Korean investment firm KDB Daewoo Securities is not predicting a rosy future for WildStar, although it still is recommending NCsoft as a "buy" prospect....

EverQuest kicks off 16th anniversary with player-designed missions today

It was 16 years ago today that EverQuest welcomed players into its 3-D world and in so doing helped to propel MMOs to greater...

MMO Mechanics: Navigating fast-travel systems

I'm delighted to resurrect the column that brought me to Massively-that-was, MMO Mechanics, for the ravenous readers of MOP. The column focused on the...

Labor changes, Pegasus mount coming to ArcheAge

Friday the 13th may have been a lucky day for ArcheAge fans! During Trion's Friday livestream, Producer Merv "Khrolan" Lee Kwai revealed a move meant...

RIFT is upgrading its wardrobe system

Good news for the RIFT fashion set: Trion Worlds is working on an overhaul of the wardrobe system to give you even more cosmetic...

EverQuest Next ditches lore and general discussion forums

Assuming that there will be a wealth of lore and backstory in EverQuest Next, you won't be finding out about it on the official...

Neverwinter’s Elemental Evil expansion has been delayed

PWE and Cryptic have just announced that Neverwinter's Elemental Evil expansion -- yes, the one with Minsc and Boo -- has been delayed. Originally...

Lineage II: Infinite Odyssey announced

Make room in the 2015 expansion pool because Lineage II is about to do a cannonball right into the middle of it. NCsoft announced today...

Drakensang Online adding new continent, increasing level cap

If Drakensang Online isn't normally on your radar, you might want to check it out in the near future, particularly if you enjoy action...

Age of Wulin’s Betrayal & Forgiveness update has launched

Age of Wulin, the European version of martial arts MMORPG Age of Wushu, went live with its Chapter 4: Betrayal & Forgiveness patch earlier...

The Stream Team: MOBA Madness in SMITE and Infinite Crisis

It started as a one-off thing, but MassivelyOP's Mike Foster just can't stop the MOBA Madness. This week the stream's going into all-new territory,...

The Stream Team: Exploring ArcheAge’s Diamond Shores

ArcheAge finally opened more of the Aurorian continent with the release of yesterday's Secrets of Ayanad patch. That means there is more to explore,...

Play Trove to earn a RIFT budgie mount

Giant flightless birds make great commute buddies, not to mention that they take the simplest biofuel available. But if you want to get your...

PlanetSide 2’s Clint Worley departs Daybreak

Former PlanetSide 2 Executive Producer Clint Worley has left the team and studio, according to a brief announcement by him on Twitter. It is...

EverQuest springs ‘surprise’ patch today

Do you like surprises? As long as they're good, right? Well, EverQuest players can breathe a little easier once they realize that today's "surprise" patch...