free to play

‘Free-to-play’ is a term that refers to games that do not have box or download fees associated with them and do not incur a mandatory subscription. Some have optional subscriptions and are more properly referred to as hybrid F2P. Most have cash shops and microtransactions.

Tree of Savior looks to fans to edit the English version of the game

To get Tree of Savior into the hands of international audiences as soon as possible, imcGAMES will be allowing fans to help correct a...

ArcheAge’s Secrets of Ayanad arrives with a fresh trailer

The goalpost for ArcheAge character levels has been moved with today's update, bringing both the character and skill level tree cap to 55. The...

Age of Conan plans blockbuster year while Bylos teases ‘super exciting’ project

Age of Conan players, don't feel left out; you got a meaty game director letter too. Joel Bylos appeared for his last time in...
I'm on an angry.

World of Warships closed beta signups start Thursday

World of Warships' closed beta applications go live on Thursday, March 12th. A new Wargaming press release says that North American apps open at 2:00...

RIFT gives away free anniversary loots

So, funny story. Remember the other day when RIFT embedded a handful of limited-use codes in its anniversary graphic? Well good news, Ascended: Three...

Not So Massively: PAX East 2015 MOBA roundup edition

It's been a huge week for online gaming, with GDC drawing to a close and PAX East being packed full of reveals. We heard...

PAX East 2015: Watch Warframe’s Tombs of the Sentient trailer

If the reveal trailer is any indication, a major incoming threat is heading right at the world of Warframe. The update, called Tombs of...

RIFT is planning a new calling for 2015

As RIFT hits its fourth anniversary this week, the team is eager to let you in on an exciting tidbit or two about what's...

Star Trek Online’s Delta Recruitment to feature events, bonuses

Cryptic has announced an in-game event called Delta Recruitment for Star Trek Online. It starts April 2nd, and it involves progression-based rewards "including gear,...

Final Fantasy XIV won’t be going F2P any time soon

Would you love to play Final Fantasy XIV if only it didn't cost per month? According to a new interview with producer Naoki Yoshida,...

PAX East 2015: Heroes of the Storm plans tuition tourney, reveals Sylvanas champion

How does earning your college tuition by playing video games sound? Blizzard hopes it sounds mighty fine, as the studio is running a special...

Infinite Crisis is coming to Steam on March 26

I did a double-take when Turbine announced that Infinite Crisis is launching on Steam later this month. I've been launching it through Steam for...

RIFT players have clocked 45,817 years of gameplay

There's nothing like a good anniversary to brings out the infographic-making in developers, and so it is with RIFT's fourth birthday. Trion Worlds posted...
Big time.

Gigantic will be published on Windows 10 and Xbox One

In a news sure to relieve the gamers unsure whether a MOBA would come along specifically designed to work with Windows 10, Motiga has...

PAX East 2015: Trion Worlds is throwing a party

It's been four years since RIFT came out and the Trion Worlds team hosted a party in Boston to celebrate the game, so it's...

The Stream Team: MOBA Madness

MOBA Madness returns this week as MassivelyOP's Mike Foster takes you on a tour of the two titans of the competitive space, Riot Games'...

Revival dev: ‘It is like literally being on a live TV show’

The creators of Star Citizen's FPS module, Illfonic, are also hard at work on their horror MMO Revival. A new interview with Creative Director...
No word on Lord of the Rings Online erecting a monument for the bravest hobbit of them all.

Star Trek Online installs memorials for Leonard Nimoy and all those lost

The death of Leonard Nimoy affects everyone who has ever been engaged in the Star Trek franchise, whether you were a lifelong fan of...

NCsoft’s games are going free-to-play in Japan

NCsoft games are shedding their subscription requirements -- at least in Japan. MMO Culture is reporting that between March and April, NCsoft will be...

Former LOTRO employee dishes out behind-the-scenes secrets

There's always more to every story than is often told, which is why it's fascinating to come across accounts like this one by former...