game mechanics

Yeah, super, we're all real impressed.

World of Warcraft offers a free weekend as the Radiant Echoes event gets revised and pre-patch bugs continue

The good news for World of Warcraft fans - or perhaps we should say lapsed fans - is that if you're curious about how...
Dunking on Fortnite never gets old, but having to do so has always been old.

The Daily Grind: Do you see your MMO characters as characters or as playing pieces?

There's an interesting element to a lot of games where you have places where the layers of gameplay break down. Your character in World...
In the middle of our street.

Guild Wars 2 runs down the essentials of Homestead gameplay in the Janthir Wilds

Your house (in Guild Wars 2) can be a very very very fine house (fine house), with stray cats in the yard. Unlocking them...
doin a yell

World of Warcraft starts up The War Within’s pre-expansion event and finally turns on Warband banks

A week after the patch that was meant to turn on most of the features for World of Warcraft's next expansion, one of the...

Final Fantasy XIV adds in time-limited tomestone along with its new Savage raid tier

The time has come for Final Fantasy XIV players to start collecting time-limited tomes once again with the most recent patch, which adds Allagan...
She's gone.

Final Fantasy XIV shares insight into the singer behind the Arcadion’s final fight song

It's hard to miss the fact that the Arcadion raid series in Final Fantasy XIV features bespoke tracks for each of the raid's four...
I got spurs.

EverQuest II introduces the Norrathian Armory for sharing valuable items across your whole account

Is there anything worse than getting a really cool item on one character in your roster only to realize that you have to repeat...
It's dead, Jims.

RuneScape renames Underworld Area Tasks and adds harder versions for players

Whether you're an aspiring Necromancer or just like wandering the realms of the dead in RuneScape, it's time to take on a bigger challenge...

Bitcraft explains the precise mechanics of starting and maintaining an Empire

A SCENE UNFOLDING IN BITCRAFT POST-LAUNCH: Exemplar: "Good people of this settlement, I am Exemplar, your emperor!" Costello: "Well I didn't vote for you." Exemplar: "I -...
doin a yell

World of Warcraft launches the pre-patch for The War Within on July 23

On July 23rd, World of Warcraft will be patched with the prelude to the upcoming The War Within expansion, and players will immediately experience...
choom choom choom

Players are building a multiplayer mod for Cyberpunk 2077

We all remember how at one point Cyberpunk 2077 was meant to have a multiplayer mode, right? It's the only reason we covered the...
going so fast like a... whatever

Final Fantasy XIV’s Dawntrail peak player concurrency has apparently topped even Endwalker’s

In case you were still wondering whether Final Fantasy XIV's Dawntrail was a hit with MMORPG gamers, wonder no more, as apparently the game...
Twee leet.

Villagers & Heroes opens up the Twilight Vale for its midsummer event

It's time for players of Villagers & Heroes to take a trip to the Twilight Vale because the zone is open once again. That...
Ah yes, seagulls, that makes sense.

Sand studio explains the extraction shooter’s premise in a new official post

Do you greatly enjoy sand's relative coarseness, its rough texture, and its ability to get everywhere? This is the correct way of thinking! No...

Embers Adrift adds a Ley Pylon to Newhaven City and fixes damage effects

Players in Embers Adrift have long wanted a Monolith in Newhaven City. (It's a specific game structure, not the monolith from 2001: A Space...

Final Fantasy XIV posts the preliminary patch notes for Dawntrail

There are just a couple of days remaining before Final Fantasy XIV players will be heading on a boat to reach the land of...

Final Fantasy XI rolls out a new version update with new commands, new icons, and a new shield

For far too long, Final Fantasy XI has suffered from the fact that you can log into the game and not be immediately granted...
Doc. I wanna kill.

Kickstarted tiny MMO Book of Travels has launched its promised combat revamp

What is the best thing in Book of Travels? Is it to break your enemy, see him driven before you, and hear the lamentations...
meaty gear

Black Desert adds lifeskill gear upgrades while the mobile version gets a new region

For players of Black Desert Mobile, today's update is going to provide a whole lot of fun stuff within the new Donghae Province. Are...
i want to be king now mummy

BitCraft outlines the Empire system coming in its second alpha as a main source of monetization

The good news is that anyone can be the emperor in BitCraft's Empire system, which will be available for testing within the game's second...