
Studio known primarily for Marvel Heroes.

Marvel Heroes’ emulator project has a playable test server in Project T.A.H.I.T.I.

When last we checked in on the Marvel Heroes emulator project, the developers were basically still in the "make code go and upload to...
Never hitting the winner's circle.

Design Mockument: How would a Marvel MMORPG actually work?

We've had an awful lot of Marvel-related online projects that never quite get over the finish line into an MMORPG. Sure, we have had...

The Daily Grind: What was the worst-managed MMO sunset of all time?

A few weeks back, I asked you about the most painful sunset of 2024. That's not what I mean today! I mean the worst-managed...

Marvel Snap has a new US publisher: Marvel Heroes boss David Brevik’s Skystone Games

Marvel Snap players have been through a lot over the last few weeks: The game was taken out in the crossfire of the US...

Marvel Heroes emulator project gets loot updates and functioning missions in 0.4.0 build

The long and hard work of getting Marvel Heroes back into a functional state for emulator runners pushes forth, as the 0.4.0 version of...

Massively Overthinking: What are the great ‘popcorn games’ in the MMORPG genre?

MOP reader Elenie recently put the concept of "popcorn MMOs" back on my radar thanks to a comment about Neverwinter being an MMO many...

Marvel Heroes emulator file project releases a new build with multiple gameplay elements

Last year we reported on the arrival of emulator files for Marvel Heroes appearing on Github, effectively letting fans begin the process of reviving...

Perfect Ten: My 10 favorite MMO pet classes of all time

I've had to face the fact that among the MOP team, I'm in somewhat of a minority who actually likes -- nay, passionately loves...
We fought a bear.

Perfect Ten: MMOs with outstanding tutorial sections

Tutorials! They're important. I even wrote an entire column about them recently, talking about how important they are in getting people into a new...

Massively Overthinking: How ‘massively multiplayer’ do we expect MMORPGs to be?

Earlier in June on the MOP Podcast, Justin and I took a stab at answering the age-old question of what, exactly, constitutes an MMO....

NetEase and Marvel Games are building a new team shooter called Marvel Rivals, with closed alpha in May

The lack of Marvel in the MMO space has always seemed kind of weird, especially given the vacuum left by the beloved Marvel Heroes,...

Perfect Ten: MMOs with live-action media tie-ins

Every so often I think to myself that a video game should get some kind of media adaptation before I come to my senses....

The best MassivelyOP community Daily Grinds of 2023

This traditional roundup of the best Daily Grinds of the year is actually one of my favorites because it demonstrates just how long we've...

Massively OP Podcast Episode 438: EverQuest what’s next?

Justin and Bree discuss the potential for EverQuest 3, the LOTRO remaster's cancelation, EVE Fanfest's EVE Online Havoc and EVE Vanguard reveals, WoW Classic's about-face on LFD, Pantheon's new art style, and Marvel Heroes' code leak, with adventures in WoW Classic, LOTRO, Guild Wars 2, and Glitch Odd Giants.

Marvel Heroes rogue servers are finally possible thanks to newly released emulator files

Many of our readers and writers deeply miss Marvel Heroes, the MMOARPG that managed to capture something special - and was unceremoniously closed thanks...

Into the Super-Verse: What made Marvel Heroes so special?

This month we mark a particularly sad anniversary in the MMO space: The 10th anniversary of the launch of Marvel Heroes. By all rights,...
Party down.

Massively OP Podcast Episode 425: A disturbance in the Force of SWTOR

Justin and Bree discuss the SWTOR move to Broadsword, news from the Summer Game Fest, the Reddit blackout's impact on the MMO community, anniversaries for Neverwinter and Marvel Heroes, and patches for EVE Online and No Man's Sky, plus adventures in LOTRO and Diablo IV.

David Brevik on Marvel Heroes’ 10th anniversary: ‘It is gone into the nothingness forever’

The importance of June 4th may have passed you by, but the creator of Diablo II and Marvel Heroes commemorated the 10th anniversary of...
Actually developing a title to not be a boring slog is a skill some developers have yet to master.

Perfect Ten: 10 franchises that deserve another shot at an MMO

Some experiments are attempted once and fail, and it's not hard to figure out why that didn't work. We don't really need to take...

Perfect Ten: 10 dead MMOs that should be revived for a second chance

I have always felt that it's such an enormous waste of everything when a live MMORPG is sunsetted and access to it is gone...