
An infamous WoW Classic griefer sees his 16 accounts all banned during a livestream

If you've got your finger on the pulse of the greater World of Warcraft: Classic community, you perhaps are familiar with the exploits of...

Fight or Kite: Griefing! What is it good for? Absolutely nothing.

Here we are at the very first Fight or Kite of the New Year and of the decade. With it, let’s discuss something that...

Ubisoft cracks down on chat griefers with Rainbow Six banwave

File this one under are you even kidding me right now: A whole bunch of griefers just got banned from Rainbow Six Siege for...

Desert Oasis: How AFKing in Black Desert is more productive than you think

You know what I enjoy doing in MMOs? Not doing anything. I fancy myself an AFK enthusiast. Finding a nice, scenic spot to park...

Here’s how Sea of Thieves is addressing brig and respawn griefing

Rare isn't completely oblivious to the griefing going on in Sea of Thieves, even if it probably hoped gamers wouldn't notice so damn much...

Here’s something nobody saw coming, and by nobody we mean everybody: Sea of Thieves griefers are abusing the brig

Did you think Sea of Thieves' patch yesterday, which aimed to address respawn griefing, was going to put an end to players' torment? Yo-ho-ho...

The Daily Grind: What’s the most creative way MMOs thwart toxicity?

Forget group-kicks: If you're a tool in Sea of Thieves, your own shipmates might just opt to stuff you in the brig - "a...

The Daily Grind: Is ‘griefing’ possible in an open PvP sandbox?

I was snooping around the Star Citizen Spectrum forums last week when I bumped into a topic that made me back up my snooping...

Elite Dangerous community thwarts griefers’ attempt to ruin final in-game voyage of terminally ill player

Elite Dangerous has once again become the battleground between griefers and everybody else, this time with real-life stakes. A few weeks ago, the Elite community...

Elite Dangerous’ novel-concluding Salomé event was wrecked by long-con griefers

Last week, we reported on an impending roleplaying event in Elite Dangerous that was set to influence the outcome of Premonition, a game-based novel...

Raph Koster explains why griefing in virtual reality isn’t going away

Even if you can overlook the expense, the current lack of games, the potential for nausea, and the annoyance of wearing a clamshell on...

Massively Overthinking: Let’s take the classic Bartle test

Here's something you probably didn't know: Online worlds researcher Dr. Richard Bartle didn't actually write the Bartle test. His original research explored, analyzed, and defined the...